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Re: [O] Moving my init.el to Org

From: Thorsten Jolitz
Subject: Re: [O] Moving my init.el to Org
Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 16:12:01 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

Alan Schmitt <address@hidden> writes:

> On 2014-08-31 11:20, Thorsten Jolitz <address@hidden> writes:
>> With outshine I have many of Org-mode's advantages (and using outorg I
>> can turn my elisp file into an org file in a second and have all of
>> them), but its still just about a source-file in emacs-lisp-mode, and
>> thats what makes things convenient, fast and dynamic.
> It there an easy way to turn an org file with many lisp source blocks
> into an outshine file? I cannot start from the tangled file as it's
> lacking all the org structure.

Yes, use

,----[ C-h f outorg-convert-org-to-outshine RET ]
| outorg-convert-org-to-outshine is a Lisp function in `outorg.el'.
| (outorg-convert-org-to-outshine &optional MODE INFILE OUTFILE BATCH)
| Convert an existing Org-mode file into an Outshine buffer.
| If MODE is non-nil, the Outshine buffer will be put in this
| major-mode, otherwise the major-mode of the language of the first
| source-code block in the Org-mode buffer will be used.
| If INFILE is non-nil, the specified Org-mode file will be
| visited, otherwise the current buffer will be used (i.e. the
| buffer content will be copied to a temporary *outorg-edit-buffer*
| for further processing).
| If OUTFILE is non-nil, the converted Outshine buffer will be
| saved in this file. Its the user's responsability to make sure
| that OUTFILE's file-extension is suited for the major-mode of the
| Outshine buffer to be saved. When in doubt, consult variable
| `auto-mode-alist' for associations between file-extensions and
| major-modes.
| If BATCH is non-nil (and OUTFILE is non-nil, otherwise it makes
| no sense), the new Outshine file is saved and its buffer
| deleted.


1. I think I took care of converting

| #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :cache no
|  (+ 2 2)


| ;; #+header: :cache no
| (+ 2 2)

in outorg, but it was not flawless IIRC. You could run 

,----[ C-h f org-dp-toggle-headers RET ]
| org-dp-toggle-headers is an interactive Lisp function in
| `org-dp-lib.el'.
| (org-dp-toggle-headers &optional ACTION)
| Toggle header argument representation.
| With prefix-arg, prompt user for ACTION, otherwise, if non-nil,
| it should take one the values `swap', `header' or `param',
| meaning to either swap :header and :parameter values, or make
| them all :header or :parameter values repectively.

on your src-blocks before conversion, as an alternative, like this

| (org-dp-toggle-headers &optional 'header)

to avoid losing the src-block header-args during conversion. 

2. Call 'outorg-convert-org-to-outshine' just once, its only for the
initial conversion. Then you have an outshine file that you convert to
org occasionally with the usual 'outorg-edit-as-org'.


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