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Re: [O] Tracking flexitime

From: Thomas Koch
Subject: Re: [O] Tracking flexitime
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2013 11:52:52 +0200
User-agent: KMail/4.10.2 (Linux/3.8-trunk-amd64; KDE/4.10.2; x86_64; ; )

On Monday, April 22, 2013 10:53:08 AM Detlef Steuer wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> my way to handle this situation is a datetime tree.
> In the morning
> C-c a a i j
> jumps to today and C-u C-c ! inserts a timestamp.
> In the evening the same procedure followed by a
> C-u C-c y to calculate my time in the office.
> Friday evening I calculate over/under time for that week (in my head)
> and note it.
> A typical Friday entry looks like that:
> *** 2013-04-19 Freitag
>     [2013-04-19 Fr 08:45]--[2013-04-19 Fr 17:05] 08:20 (+2:00 +11:10)
> +2:00 over/undertime this week +11:10 is total over/undertime.
> Very litte automatisation, but only say 1 min effort a week.

Thank you Detlef for sharing this. However I can not follow.

- C-c a runs the command org-agenda
- a selects calendar for current week or day
- i runs the command org-agenda-diary-entry
- j ???

- What is a datetime tree?

- Do you have an extra file only to track you time at work? Could you share 
(privately?) such a file?

- I also could not find the binding for C-c y. What does it do?

I guess you also use functionality of the calendar/diary package of emacs?


Thomas Koch, http://www.koch.ro

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