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Re: [O] Extra space between list items in HTML export

From: Richard Stanton
Subject: Re: [O] Extra space between list items in HTML export
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2012 16:47:54 -0700
User-agent: Microsoft-MacOutlook/

On 9/10/12 4:45 PM, "Jambunathan K" <address@hidden> wrote:

>Richard Stanton <address@hidden> writes:
>> On 9/10/12 4:31 PM, "Jambunathan K" <address@hidden> wrote:
>>>>> From: address@hidden [mailto:address@hidden
>>>>> Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 2:37 PM
>>>>> > #+OPTIONS: h:2, toc:nil
>>>>> >
>>>>> > * Example of itemized list
>>>>> > ** Blank level 2 header
>>>>> > - List 1
>>>>> > - List 2
>>>>> > - List 3
>>>>> >
>>>>> > * Level 3 headings as itemized list, with extra space
>>>>> > ** Blank level 2 header
>>>>> > *** List 1
>>>>> > *** List 2
>>>>> > *** List 3
>>>>> >
>>>>> The old exporter does that: it breaks the second up into three lists,
>>>>>each with
>>>>> a single element. The first is a single list with three elements.
>>>>> The new exporter produces a single list with three elements, although
>>>>> includes the section number for each entry - this might be a bug.
>>>>> Nick
>>>> I also get the section number included as part of the list item
>>>> text. This does look like a bug.
>>>> When I use the new exporter to export to LaTeX/PDF, I get no section
>>>> numbers, but I get a numbered, rather than itemized, list. This also
>>>> seems like a (different) bug.
>>>I have pushed a fix to org-e-html.el.
>>>The depth of numbering is according to the value of num:N spec. Use
>>>    num:2 instead of num:t
>>>to get the numbering behaviour you desire.
>>>If something is not according to taste, point me to the markup that is
>>>missing or which needs to be removed (instead of describing it in
>>>> Richard
>> Thanks. I'll try the new version.
>> Meanwhile, as I understand it (and as implemented in the old exporter),
>> h:2 should mean that only two levels of section headings should be
>> at all. Level 3 should be an itemized list (and therefore, implicitly,
>> should not have a number). Thus, h:2 should imply n:2, I believe.
>New exporter is, hmmm, new.
>You can still get the old behaviour.  So, that leaves us with no scope
>for complaining.  
>I am merely following what Ngz has advised us.

The HTML and LaTeX/PDF behavior are now the same, and I can see why the
new behavior is better than the old, since it allows more options, so I'll
stop complaining. For a while, anyway...


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