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Re: [O] Extra space between list items in HTML export

From: Nick Dokos
Subject: Re: [O] Extra space between list items in HTML export
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2012 17:37:14 -0400

Richard Stanton <address@hidden> wrote:

> I often use the h:2 option to turn level 3 headers into itemized list entri=
> es. When exporting to LaTeX/PDF, the spacing between items is the same this=
>  way as it is when I use an explicit itemized list. When exporting to HTML,=
>  however, there's some extra space inserted between items when they were or=
> iginally headers. Here's an example. Export to HTML and you'll see the diff=
> erent spacing:
> -------------
> #+OPTIONS: h:2, toc:nil
> * Example of itemized list
> ** Blank level 2 header
> - List 1
> - List 2
> - List 3
> * Level 3 headings as itemized list, with extra space
> ** Blank level 2 header
> *** List 1
> *** List 2
> *** List 3

The old exporter does that: it breaks the second up into three lists, each with 
a single
element. The first is a single list with three elements.

The new exporter produces a single list with three elements, although it 
the section number for each entry - this might be a bug.


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