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Re: [Orgmode] HTML export and blogging to blogger.com

From: John Hendy
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] HTML export and blogging to blogger.com
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 17:40:23 -0600

On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 5:18 PM, Samuel Wales <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi John,

On 2010-11-11, John Hendy <address@hidden> wrote:
> #+options: author:nil email:nil

That should be in your actual .org file. See below.
I presume that this is the same as what I tried in elisp.  That did not work.

Thanks for your detail of your publishing routine.  That helps me know
what the state of the art is.

It looks like org can't yet export to whatever it is that Blogger
requires.  So I will just paste in plain text and forget about
formatting and emphasis for now.  I am limited in typing so doing that
by hand is beyond what I can do.

Your call. I really don't endure much with this. Also, see below as your comment actually refreshed my mind about how easy this really is.
> - C-c C-e R to export the region

A documentation note: the manual has me confused about these:

C-c C-e H
   Export to a temporary buffer, do not create a file.
C-c C-e R
   Export the active region to a temporary buffer. With a
   prefix argument, do not produce the file header and
   footer, but just the plain HTML section for the region.
   This is good for cut-and-paste operations.

I expected the former to detect an active region.  Also it wasn't
clear at first that it operated on the whole file instead of a
subtree.  I expected something like "subtree unless prefix arg or
active region" for a single command.

Yes! I didn't remember this. The "prefix argument" is C-u (in case you did not know that... I had no idea when I first saw that). This works fantastically. That's how I was doing it when I was really in the groove. So, here's my updated method:

- Write some stuff
- Select it (move to beginning of what you want, C-space, move to end of what you want)
- C-u C-c C-e R to export that region with no preamble to a separate buffer
- C-x C-w export.txt
- to terminal: perl -pi -e ' s/\R/ /g; s/\<p\>//g; s/\<\/p\>/\n\n/g;'  export.txt
- back to emacs: C-x C-f export.txt; type "yes"
- M-< to go to front of buffer, C-space, M-> to go to end, M-w to copy
- Paste into basic blogger edit box
- Done

Re. the first part... just take this and save it as an org file in an emacs buffer.

#+AUTHOR:    Samuel Wales
#+OPTIONS:   toc:nil *:t tags:nil author:nil email:nil

* Heading 1
** Sub Heading 1
Start. Here is some text that I am writing to test exporting. Here is some
text that I am writing to test exporting. Here is some text that I am
writing to test exporting. Here is some text that I am writing to test
exporting. Here is some text that I am writing to test exporting. Here
is some text that I am writing to test exporting. Here is some text
that I am writing to test exporting. End.

Then do the above with the blob from: "Start. Here is..." ---> "...to test exporting. End."




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