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Re: "Final" version of tty child frames

From: martin rudalics
Subject: Re: "Final" version of tty child frames
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2025 09:22:54 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

> Just has the thought that this might be the wrong angle to look at the
> problem because I think there is something missing on ttys which GUIs
> have: proper focus management.

For some value of "proper".

> I imagine that on a GUI we get events as needed from the window manager
> to change the focus frame to what the window manager wants. I think that
> part is missing on ttys. Or is select-frame-set-input-focus a complete
> replacement for that?

It should be.  Just that we need the right argument for it which is, in
the case at hand, the frame hosting the window returned by
'get-mru-window' with ALL-FRAMES set to all visible frames with the same
root frame as the frame we just made invisible.  If there's no other
child frame this will return the root frame of the frame that has been
made invisible just now.  Elementary, but splicing in the root frame
into 'get-mru-window' is not straightforward.  The same approach is
probably also needed when deleting or iconifying a child frame.  I'll
try to make this work.  Till then we could try to use the root frame as


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