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Re: "Final" version of tty child frames

From: Gerd Möllmann
Subject: Re: "Final" version of tty child frames
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2025 10:03:17 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

martin rudalics <rudalics@gmx.at> writes:

>> Just has the thought that this might be the wrong angle to look at the
>> problem because I think there is something missing on ttys which GUIs
>> have: proper focus management.
> For some value of "proper".


>> I imagine that on a GUI we get events as needed from the window manager
>> to change the focus frame to what the window manager wants. I think that
>> part is missing on ttys. Or is select-frame-set-input-focus a complete
>> replacement for that?
> It should be.  Just that we need the right argument for it which is, in
> the case at hand, the frame hosting the window returned by
> 'get-mru-window' with ALL-FRAMES set to all visible frames with the same
> root frame as the frame we just made invisible.  If there's no other
> child frame this will return the root frame of the frame that has been
> made invisible just now.  Elementary, but splicing in the root frame
> into 'get-mru-window' is not straightforward.  The same approach is
> probably also needed when deleting or iconifying a child frame.  

Iconifying :-O? I found having tooltips on ttys already quite funny, but
iconified child frames would beat that :-)

> I'll try to make this work. Till then we could try to use the root
> frame as argument.


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