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Re: Functions transpose/rotate/flip windows

From: Pranshu
Subject: Re: Functions transpose/rotate/flip windows
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2025 20:12:35 +0530
User-agent: K-9 Mail for Android

On 11 January 2025 7:08:19 pm GMT+05:30, Eshel Yaron <me@eshelyaron.com> wrote:
>Hi all,
>martin rudalics <rudalics@gmx.at> writes:
>>> Ok, I fixed them now.  A new diff is attached.
>> I pushed window-x.el to master now without any further testing or
>> looking into it.  I plan to fix a few things in it but maybe Eli wants
>> to make some major corrections first.
>Thanks for working on these additions, the new commands seem neat.
>The only functional issue I ran into is that rotate-windows and
>rotate-windows-back seem to leave the wrong window selected (the
>selection does not follow the rotation).
>Other than that, here are some clean up suggestions from a quick pass:
>diff --git a/lisp/window-x.el b/lisp/window-x.el
>index d6c1851ddeb..e207c13374c 100644
>--- a/lisp/window-x.el
>+++ b/lisp/window-x.el
>@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
>-;;; window-x.el --- extended window commands  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
>+;;; window-x.el --- Extra window organization commands  -*- lexical-binding: 
>t; -*-
> ;; Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
>@@ -25,19 +25,21 @@
> ;;; Commentary:
>-;; This file defines additional infrequently used window commands that
>-;; should not be in window.el to not make the dumped image bigger.
>+;; This file defines less frequently used window organization commands.
> ;;; Code:
> (defun window-tree-normal-sizes (window &optional next)
>   "Return normal sizes of all windows rooted at WINDOW.
>-PARENT-WIN-WIDTH W1 W2 ...) is returned.  SPLIT-TYPE is non-nil if
>-PARENT-WIN is split horizontally.  PARENT-WIN is the internal window.
>-PARENT-WIN-HEIGHT and PARENT-WIN-WIDTH are the normal heights of
>-PARENT-WIN.  Wn is a list of the form (WINDOW HEIGHT WIDTH) where HEIGHT
>-and WIDTH are the normal height and width of the window."
>+The return value is a list of the form (SPLIT-TYPE PARENT-WIN
>+non-nil if PARENT-WIN is split horizontally; PARENT-WIN is the internal
>+window; PARENT-WIN-HEIGHT and PARENT-WIN-WIDTH are the normal heights
>+of PARENT-WIN; and Wn is a list of the form (WINDOW HEIGHT WIDTH) where
>+HEIGHT and WIDTH are the normal height and width of the window.
>+(fn WINDOW)"
>   (let (list)
>     (while window
>       (setq list
>@@ -62,192 +64,156 @@ window-tree-normal-sizes
>       (setq window (when next (window-next-sibling window))))
>     (nreverse list)))
>-(defun window--window-to-transpose (frame-or-window)
>-  "Return the window to be acted upon by `window--transpose'.
>-If FRAME-OR-WINDOW is a window return FRAME-OR-WINDOW.  If
>-FRAME-OR-WINDOW is a frame, return FRAME-OR-WINDOW's main window.  If
>-FRAME-OR-WINDOW is nil, than the frames main window wil be returned.  If
>-FRAME-OR-WINDOW is non-nil, and not a frame or a window or a number,
>-than the return value will be the parent window of the selected window."
>-  (cond
>-   ((windowp frame-or-window)
>-    frame-or-window)
>-   ((or (framep frame-or-window) (not frame-or-window))
>-    (window-main-window frame-or-window))
>-   (frame-or-window
>-    (window-parent))))
>-(defun rotate-window-layout-anticlockwise (&optional frame-or-window)
>-  "Rotate windows of FRAME-OR-WINDOW anticlockwise by 90 degrees.
>-Transform the layout of windows such that a window on top becomes a
>-window on the right, a window on the right moves to the bottom, a window
>-on the bottom moves to the left and a window on the left becomes one on
>-the top.
>-If FRAME-OR-WINDOW is nil, rotate the main window of the selected
>-frame.  If FRAME-OR-WINDOW specifies a live frame, rotate the main
>-window of that frame.  If FRAME-OR-WINDOW specifies a parent window,
>-rotate that window.  In any other case and interactively with a prefix
>-argument rotate the parent window of the selected window."
>-  (interactive "P")
>-  (let ((window (window--window-to-transpose frame-or-window)))
>-    (window--transpose window '(right . above) nil)))
>-(defun rotate-window-layout-clockwise (&optional frame-or-window)
>-  "Rotate windows of FRAME-OR-WINDOW clockwise by 90 degrees.
>-Transform the layout of windows such that a window on top becomes a
>-window on the right, a window on the right moves to the bottom, a
>-window on the bottom moves to the left and a window on the left becomes
>-one on the top.
>-If FRAME-OR-WINDOW is nil, rotate the main window of the selected frame.
>-If FRAME-OR-WINDOW specifies a live frame, rotate the main window of
>-that frame.  If FRAME-OR-WINDOW specifies a parent window, rotate that
>-window.  In any other case and interactively with a prefix argument
>-rotate the parent window of the selected window."
>-  (interactive "P")
>-  (let ((window (window--window-to-transpose frame-or-window)))
>-    (window--transpose window '(left . below) nil)))
>-(defun flip-window-layout-horizontally (&optional frame-or-window)
>-  "Horizontally flip windows of FRAME-OR-WINDOW.
>+(defsubst window--rotate-interactive-arg ()
>+  "Return interative window argument for window rotation commands."
>+  (if current-prefix-arg (window-parent) (window-main-window)))
>+(defun rotate-window-layout-counterclockwise (&optional window)
>+  "Rotate windows under WINDOW counterclockwise by 90 degrees.
>+If WINDOW is nil, it defaults to the root window of the selected frame.
>+Interactively, a prefix argument says to rotate the parent window of the
>+selected window."
>+  (interactive (list (window--rotate-interactive-arg)))
>+  (window--transpose window '(right . above) nil))
>+(defun rotate-window-layout-clockwise (&optional window)
>+  "Rotate windows under WINDOW clockwise by 90 degrees.
>+If WINDOW is nil, it defaults to the root window of the selected frame.
>+Interactively, a prefix argument says to rotate the parent window of the
>+selected window."
>+  (interactive (list (window--rotate-interactive-arg)))
>+  (window--transpose window '(left . below) nil))
>+(defun flip-window-layout-horizontally (&optional window)
>+  "Horizontally flip windows under WINDOW.
> Flip the window layout so that the window on the right becomes the
> window on the left, and vice-versa.
>-If FRAME-OR-WINDOW is nil, flip the main window of the selected frame.
>-If FRAME-OR-WINDOW specifies a live frame, rotate the main window of
>-that frame.  If FRAME-OR-WINDOW specifies a parent window, rotate that
>-window.  In any other case and interactively with a prefix argument
>-rotate the parent window of the selected window."
>-  (interactive "P")
>-  (let ((window (window--window-to-transpose frame-or-window)))
>-    (window--transpose window '(below . left) t)))
>-(defun flip-window-layout-vertically (&optional frame-or-window)
>-  "Verticlly flip windows of FRAME-OR-WINDOW.
>-Flip the window layout so that the top window becomes the bottom window
>+If WINDOW is nil, it defaults to the root window of the selected frame.
>+Interactively, a prefix argument says to rotate the parent window of the
>+selected window."
>+  (interactive (list (window--rotate-interactive-arg)))
>+  (window--transpose window '(below . left) t))
>+(defun flip-window-layout-vertically (&optional window)
>+  "Horizontally flip windows under WINDOW.
>+Flip the window layout so that the top window becomes the bottom window,
> and vice-versa.
>-If FRAME-OR-WINDOW is nil, flip the main window of the selected frame.
>-If FRAME-OR-WINDOW specifies a live frame, rotate the main window of
>-that frame.  If FRAME-OR-WINDOW specifies a parent window, rotate that
>-window.  In any other case and interactively with a prefix argument
>-rotate the parent window of the selected window."
>-  (interactive "P")
>-  (let ((window (window--window-to-transpose frame-or-window)))
>-    (window--transpose window '(above . right) t)))
>-(defun transpose-window-layout (&optional frame-or-window)
>-  "Transpose windows of FRAME-OR-WINDOW.
>-Make the windows on FRAME-OR-WINDOW so that every horizontal split
>+If WINDOW is nil, it defaults to the root window of the selected frame.
>+Interactively, a prefix argument says to rotate the parent window of the
>+selected window."
>+  (interactive (list (window--rotate-interactive-arg)))
>+  (window--transpose window '(above . right) t))
>+(defun transpose-window-layout (&optional window)
>+  "Transpose windows under WINDOW.
>+Reorganize the windows under WINDOW so that every horizontal split
> becomes a vertical split, and vice versa.  This is equivalent to
> diagonally flipping.
>-If FRAME-OR-WINDOW is nil, transpose the main window of the selected frame.
>-If FRAME-OR-WINDOW specifies a live frame, rotate the main window of
>-that frame.  If FRAME-OR-WINDOW specifies a parent window, rotate that
>-window.  In any other case and interactively with a prefix argument
>-rotate the parent window of the selected window."
>-  (interactive "P")
>-  (let ((window (window--window-to-transpose frame-or-window)))
>-    (window--transpose window '(right . below) nil)))
>-(defun window--depmap(fun ls)
>-  "Map FUN across all nodes of list LS."
>-  (if (consp ls)
>-      (cons
>-       (if (consp (car ls))
>-        (window--depmap fun (car ls))
>-       (funcall fun (car ls)))
>-       (window--depmap fun (cdr ls)))
>-    (funcall fun ls)))
>-(defun rotate-windows-back(&optional frame-or-window)
>-  "Move windows into locations of their predecessors in cyclic ordering.
>-If FRAME-OR-WINDOW is nil, rotate the main window of the selected frame.
>-If FRAME-OR-WINDOW specifies a live frame, rotate the main window of
>-that frame.  If FRAME-OR-WINDOW specifies a parent window, rotate that
>-window.  In any other case and interactively with a prefix argument
>-rotate the parent window of the selected window."
>-  (interactive "P")
>-  (rotate-windows frame-or-window t))
>-(defun rotate-windows (&optional frame-or-window reverse)
>-  "Move windows into locations of their forerunners in cyclic ordering.
>-Else if FRAME-OR-WINDOW is nil, rotate the main window of the
>-selected frame.  If FRAME-OR-WINDOW specifies a live frame, rotate the
>-main window of that frame.  If FRAME-OR-WINDOW specifies a parent
>-window, rotate that window.  In any other case and interactively with a
>-prefix argument rotate the parent window of the selected window."
>-  (interactive "P")
>-  (let ((window (window--window-to-transpose frame-or-window)))
>-    (if (or (not window)
>-          (window-live-p window))
>-      (message "No windows to transpose")
>-      (let* ((frame (window-frame window))
>-           (selected-window (frame-selected-window window))
>-           (win-tree (car (window-tree-normal-sizes window)))
>-           (winls (seq-filter 'window-live-p (flatten-list win-tree)))
>-           (rotated-ls (if reverse
>-                           (append (cdr winls) (list (car winls)))
>-                         (append (last winls) winls)))
>-           (other-window-arg (if reverse 1 -1))
>-           (first-window (car rotated-ls))
>-           (new-win-tree (window--depmap
>-                          (lambda (x)
>-                            (if (window-live-p x)
>-                                (pop rotated-ls)
>-                              x))
>-                          win-tree)))
>-      (if (or (seq-some 'window-atom-root winls)
>-              (seq-some 'window-fixed-size-p winls))
>-          (message "This does not work with fixed size or atom windows.")
>-          (progn
>-            ;; All child windows need to be recursively deleted.
>-            (delete-other-windows-internal first-window window)
>-            ;; (delete-dups atom-windows)
>-            (window--transpose-1 new-win-tree first-window '(below . right) t 
>-            (set-frame-selected-window frame selected-window)
>-            (other-window other-window-arg)
>-            (while (not (memq (selected-window) winls))
>-              (other-window other-window-arg))))))))
>+If WINDOW is nil, it defaults to the root window of the selected frame.
>+Interactively, a prefix argument says to rotate the parent window of the
>+selected window."
>+  (interactive (list (window--rotate-interactive-arg)))
>+  (window--transpose window '(right . below) nil))
>+(defun rotate-windows-back (&optional window)
>+  "Rotate windows under WINDOW backward in cyclic ordering.
>+If WINDOW is nil, it defaults to the root window of the selected frame.
>+Interactively, a prefix argument says to rotate the parent window of the
>+selected window."
>+  (interactive (list (window--rotate-interactive-arg)))
>+  (rotate-windows window t))
>+(defun rotate-windows (&optional window reverse)
>+  "Rotate windows under WINDOW in cyclic ordering.
>+Optional argument REVERSE says to rotate windows backward, in reverse
>+cyclic order.
>+If WINDOW is nil, it defaults to the root window of the selected frame.
>+Interactively, a prefix argument says to rotate the parent window of the
>+selected window."
>+  (interactive (list (window--rotate-interactive-arg)))
>+  (when (or (not window) (window-live-p window))
>+    (user-error "No windows to transpose"))
>+  (let* ((frame (window-frame window))
>+       (selected-window (frame-selected-window window))
>+       (win-tree (car (window-tree-normal-sizes window)))
>+       (winls (seq-filter #'window-live-p (flatten-list win-tree)))
>+       (rotated-ls (if reverse
>+                       (append (cdr winls) (list (car winls)))
>+                     (append (last winls) winls)))
>+       (other-window-arg (if reverse 1 -1))
>+       (first-window (car rotated-ls))
>+       (new-win-tree (named-let rec ((ls win-tree))
>+                         (cond
>+                          ((consp ls) (cons (rec (car ls)) (rec (cdr ls))))
>+                          ((window-live-p ls) (pop rotated-ls))
>+                          (t ls)))))
>+    (when (or (seq-some #'window-atom-root winls)
>+            (seq-some #'window-fixed-size-p winls))
>+      (user-error "Cannot rotate windows due to fixed size or atom windows"))
>+    ;; All child windows need to be recursively deleted.
>+    (delete-other-windows-internal first-window window)
>+    ;; (delete-dups atom-windows)
>+    (window--transpose-1 new-win-tree first-window '(below . right) t nil)
>+    (set-frame-selected-window frame selected-window)
>+    (other-window other-window-arg)
>+    (while (not (memq (selected-window) winls))
>+      (other-window other-window-arg))))
> (defun window--transpose (window conf no-resize)
>-  "Rearrange windows of WINDOW recursively.
>-CONF should be a cons cell: (HORIZONTAL-SPLIT . VERTICAL-SPLIT) where
>+  "Rearrange windows under WINDOW recursively.
>+CONF should be a cons cell (HORIZONTAL-SPLIT . VERTICAL-SPLIT) where
> HORIZONTAL-SPLIT will be used as the third argument of `split-window'
> when splitting a window that was previously horizontally split, and
> VERTICAL-SPLIT as third argument of `split-window' for a window that was
> previously vertically split.  If NO-RESIZE is nil, the SIDE argument of
> the window-split is converted from vertical to horizontal or vice versa,
> with the same proportion of the total split."
>-  (if (or (not window)
>-        (window-live-p window))
>-      (message "No windows to transpose")
>-    (let* ((frame (window-frame window))
>-         (first-window window)
>-         (selected-window (frame-selected-window window))
>-         (win-tree (car (window-tree-normal-sizes window)))
>-         (win-list (seq-filter 'window-live-p (flatten-list win-tree)))
>-         (atom-windows
>-          (remq nil (mapcar 'window-atom-root
>-                            win-list))))
>-      (if (and (not (eq (car atom-windows) window))
>-             (or no-resize
>-                 (and (not atom-windows)
>-                      (not (seq-some 'window-fixed-size-p win-list)))))
>-        (progn
>-          (delete-dups atom-windows)
>-          (while (not (window-live-p first-window))
>-            (setq first-window (window-child first-window)))
>-          (delete-other-windows-internal first-window window)
>-          (window--transpose-1 win-tree first-window conf no-resize 
>-          ;; Go back to previously selected window.
>-          (set-frame-selected-window frame selected-window)
>-          (mapc 'window-make-atom atom-windows))
>-      (message "This does not work with fixed size or atom windows.")))))
>+  (when (or (not window) (window-live-p window))
>+    (user-error "No windows to transpose"))
>+  (let* ((frame (window-frame window))
>+       (first-window window)
>+       (selected-window (frame-selected-window window))
>+       (win-tree (car (window-tree-normal-sizes window)))
>+       (win-list (seq-filter #'window-live-p (flatten-list win-tree)))
>+       (atom-windows (seq-keep #'window-atom-root win-list)))
>+    (unless (and (not (eq (car atom-windows) window))
>+               (or no-resize
>+                   (and (not atom-windows)
>+                        (not (seq-some #'window-fixed-size-p win-list)))))
>+      (user-error "Cannot rotate windows due to fixed size or atom windows"))
>+    (delete-dups atom-windows)
>+    (while (not (window-live-p first-window))
>+      (setq first-window (window-child first-window)))
>+    (delete-other-windows-internal first-window window)
>+    (window--transpose-1 win-tree first-window conf no-resize atom-windows)
>+    ;; Go back to previously selected window.
>+    (set-frame-selected-window frame selected-window)
>+    (mapc #'window-make-atom atom-windows)))
> (defun window--transpose-1 (subtree cwin conf no-resize atom-windows)
>   "Subroutine of `window--transpose'.
>@@ -259,8 +225,7 @@ window--transpose-1
>   ;; `flen' is max size the window could be converted to the opposite
>   ;; of the given split type.
>   (let ((parent-window-is-set t)
>-      (flen (if (funcall (if no-resize 'not 'identity)
>-                         (car subtree))
>+      (flen (if (xor no-resize (car subtree))
>                 (float (window-pixel-width cwin))
>               (float (window-pixel-height cwin)))))
>     (mapc
>@@ -268,7 +233,7 @@ window--transpose-1
>        (prog1
>          (let* ((split-size (- (round (* flen size))))
>                 (split-type
>-                 (funcall (if (car subtree) 'car 'cdr) conf))
>+                 (funcall (if (car subtree) #'car #'cdr) conf))
>                 (return-win
>                  (if (listp window)
>                      ;; `window' is a window subtree.
>@@ -293,9 +258,7 @@ window--transpose-1
>                            (if window-combination-limit
>                                (cons (caar (cddddr first-child)) (cadr 
> subtree))
>                              (caar (cddddr first-child)))))
>-                        (if is-atom
>-                            '(nil . t)
>-                          conf)
>+                        (if is-atom '(nil . t) conf)
>                         no-resize
>                         atom-windows))
>                    ;; `window' is a window.
>@@ -323,14 +286,16 @@ window--transpose-1
>               (if (car subtree)
>                   (cadr window-size-info)
>                 (caddr window-size-info)))))
>-      ;; We need to ingore first 5 elements of window list, we ignore
>+      ;; We need to ignore first 5 elements of window list, we ignore
>       ;; window split type, sizes and the first window (it's
>       ;; implicitly created).  We just have a list of windows.
>       (nreverse (cdr (cddddr subtree)))))
>     ;; (caar (cddddr subtree)) is the first child window of subtree.
>     (unless (windowp (caar (cddddr subtree)))
>       (let ((is-atom (memq (cadr (cadr (cddddr subtree))) atom-windows)))
>-      (window--transpose-1 (car (cddddr subtree)) cwin (if is-atom '(nil . t) 
>+      (window--transpose-1 (car (cddddr subtree)) cwin
>+                             (if is-atom '(nil . t) conf)
>                            no-resize atom-windows)))))
>+(provide 'window-x)
> ;;; window-x.el ends here

Thanks for the code review I will look at it soon.

Selecting the rotated window is intended behaviour, as if means you can use the 
function as a practical alternative or 'other-window'. I don't see the 
advantages of surfing the current window (other than getting sandy).

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