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Re: Functions transpose/rotate/flip windows

From: martin rudalics
Subject: Re: Functions transpose/rotate/flip windows
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2025 16:20:04 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

> Ok, I fixed them now.  A new diff is attached.

I pushed window-x.el to master now without any further testing or
looking into it.  I plan to fix a few things in it but maybe Eli wants
to make some major corrections first.

We need some nice ASCII drawings for each command to add them to the
Emacs manual.  I think that these

  +-----+     +-----+
  |  A  |     |B |  |
  |-----| ->  |--| A|
  |B | C|     |C |  |
  +-----+     +-----+

are more or less OK but please try to leave at least one space on each
side of a letter.

The Elisp manual should not need any changes.

Thanks, martin

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