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Re: Proposal for an Emacs User Survey

From: Adrien Brochard
Subject: Re: Proposal for an Emacs User Survey
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2020 19:12:23 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:82.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/82.0

Thank you for your response. Please find the list of questions I have
gathered at the end of this email.

[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider    ]]]
[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,     ]]]
[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]

I think using Google to communicate the users is bad because Google
does so many bad things.  We should not endorse it with our actions.

In addition, most Google services require users to run nonfree
software (Javascript code).  If answering our questions requires the
user to run some nonfree JS code, that would put us in a moral

Our goal is much more than just developing a successful editor; GNU
Emacs is a GNU package, and the purpose of the GNU operating system is
to win freedom for the users.  We have to set an example of respecting
and defending freedom in the methods we use, not just the program we
are working on.  See https://gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and

I think Reddit is the wrong place to discuss this plan, for a similar
reason.  As I understand it, Reddit requires nonfree software to post
on Reddit nowadays.  Is that not so?

I understand the position. My primary concern though is that without
some convenience, it is difficult to convince a lot of people to
respond. Which is why I am proposing two channels: an a dedicated email
address that will accept plain text responses (at the risk of data
quality), and an online form. That plain text form to be email can be
hosted on a static site that people can access from Emacs itself.

If possible, we should tell users how to select various behaviors, so
that they can state their opinions based on comparing actual

End the inquiry statement with the following text.

     We do not seek "votes", but rather understanding.  If you are for
     the change, please explain why.  Would it help you directly?  If
     so, in what scenarios?  How often, and how strongly, would it
     benefit you?  What would the benefit be?

     Or is it that you think it will improve Emacs, or speed Emacs
     development, by helping other users?  How so?

     Please distinguish between what you know and what you predict.

     Likewise, if you are against the change, please explain why.
     Would it inconvenience you directly?  If so, in what scenarios?
     How often, and how strongly, would it inconvenience you?  What
     would the inconvenience be?

     Or is it that you think it will harm Emacs or Emacs development by
     inconveniencing others?  How so?

     We invite you also to propose alterations in the proposed change that
     you think would improve it -- saying in what scenario that would be an
     improvement, and how so, etc.

     Please post the URL of this page in forums where it is appropriate,
     and resend it to Emacs users and mailing lists where you know people
     will be glad to receive it.

It is crucial to urge people repeatedly to explain their positions
because there is a strong tendency for people not to bother.

I am all in favor of this. Thank you for putting it together. Let me
know if you think the wording is still coherent given the questions.

* Put the inquiry statement in a web page under gnu.org/software/emacs.

* Mail the inquiry statement info-gnu-emacs, help-gnu-emacs and
emacs-tangents, with the URL of the web page _and_ the full text
of the inquiry statement.

Also post a note referring to the web page on reddit.com/r/emacs, and
any other suitable places.  Mail the URL to Sacha Chua

* Wait until at least two weeks after the deadline, then study and
record the responses.  Note down all interesting comments, since they
are the most important information in the responses.

Yes to all of that.

* Do count how many people support each position that people support,
but it would be a mistake to make the actual decision based simply on
counting.  A given change can affect one user very often, and affect
another user only rarely, but they could both state a "strong

* We are not compelled to choose between "make that change" and "no
change".  The best outcome of the inquiry is that the responses show
us how to design a way to please almost all users, almost all the
time, and not displease any user very much.

I also agree with this. I think no matter what we are going to get
selection bias and we should not rush any decision based on the survey

* Survey Questions
(Please note that any "other" should allow for free text entry for the
respondent to elaborate)

** How would you characterize your use of Emacs?
   - Use it for work
   - I use it for serious "hobby" projects
   - I'm just tinkering
   - I use it for my studies
   - Other

** What do you use Emacs for?
    - Software development
    - Research writing
    - Data science
    - Writing
    - Other

** How long have you been using Emacs?

** Which version of Emacs do you use?

** What OS do you primary use?
    - Linux
    - Windows
    - MacOS
    - BSD
    - Other

** How do you use Emacs?
    - GUI
    - Terminal (TUI)
    - Both

** How do you run Emacs?
    - Client/Server mode only
    - Standalone application only
    - Both

** Describe your configuration
   - I am using vanilla emacs (little to no configuration).
   - Custom configuration
   - Spacemacs - https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs
   - Doom Emacs - https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs
   - Prelude - https://github.com/bbatsov/prelude
   - purcell emacs.d - https://github.com/purcell/emacs.d
   - magnars emacs.d - https://github.com/magnars/.emacs.d
   - Emacs Starter Kit - https://github.com/eschulte/emacs-starter-kit
   - oh-my-emacs - https://github.com/xiaohanyu/oh-my-emacs
   - Better Defaults - https://github.com/technomancy/better-defaults
   - Graphene - https://github.com/rdallasgray/graphene
   - ohai-emacs - https://github.com/bodil/ohai-emacs
   - ergoemacs-mode - https://github.com/ergoemacs/ergoemacs-mode
   - Rho Emacs - https://github.com/GChristensen/rho-emacs
   - Radian - https://github.com/raxod502/radian
   - Centaur Emacs - https://github.com/seagle0128/.emacs.d
   - Other

** What keybindings do you use?
   -  Emacs defaults
   -  Evil/Spacemacs/Doom-Emacs (all the vim-likes)
   -  CUA-mode
   -  God-mode
   -  Boon
   -  Xah-Fly-Keys
   -  Custom modal (ryo-modal, etc)
   -  Custom modifiers (Emacs from scratch)
   -  Other

** Prior to using Emacs what was your primary editor?
   - VIM
   - VScode
   - Eclipse
   - Notepad++
   - Sublime
   - Intelij
   - Other

** org-mode usage
    - I use emacs only for org-mode
    - dayly
    - from time to time
    - Not a org-mode user

** Which completion/selection framework do you use?
   - helm
   - ivy
   - ido
   - icomplete
   - other
   - i don't use a completion framework

** How do you manage third-party elisp?
    - built-in package.el
    - Spacemacs does it for me
    - straight.el
    - borg
    - leaf
    - el-get
    - Nix
    - git submodules without Borg
    - git subtrees
    - git clones
    - guix
    - quelpa
    - cask
    - No third-party deps
    - other

** How do you get emacs packages(if applicable)?
    - No repos
    - Gnu Elpa
    - Melpa/Melpa Stable
    - Directly from the source (e. g. using straight).

** Can you list some of your favorite package?

** What package do you use for error checking?
   - Flymake
   - Flycheck
   - None

** Do you use TRAMP?

** DO you use Magit?

** What package do you use for project management?
    - project.el
    - projectile
    - Other(mention)
    - None

** Do you use shell/terminal emulator in Emacs?
    - eshell
    - shell
    - term
    - ansi-term
    - do not use.

** Do you use mail client in Emacs?
    - Mu4e
    - Gnus
    - Mut
    - notmuch
    - do not use

** What is your Elisp proficiency?
    - Beginner/No knowledge
    - Basic elisp understanding
    - Intermediate
    - Advanced
    - Expert

** If you use Emacs for programming, which languages do you program in?

** do you use a language server with lsp-mode? With what languages?

** Do you use Emacs for debugging? What do you use? (Gdb, dap-mode etc)

** Which theme do you use?

** Have you ever contributed to GNU Emacs core/Elpa?
    - No
    - No, but I would do that if the process is changed(e. g. using
github pull requests instead of the mailing list, no papers, etc**.
    - I do PRs from time to time
    - I provide PRs regularly
    - I am active contributor/maintainer

** Have you ever contributed to Melpa package?
    - No
    - I do PRs from time to time
    - I provide PRs regularly
    - I am a package maintainer

** What Emacs community forums have you visited in the past year?
Answers would be things like
    - r/emacs
    - Emacs mailing list
    - irc
    - Emacs meetups
    - I follow twitter Emacs related accounts
    - Other

** What are some of the Emacs improvements you are the most interested in?
** what do you think are Emacs' greatest strengths?
** can you recall any difficulties you faced initially learning Emacs?
** What is the one thing you would like emacs to do differently?
** How did you hear about this survey?
** If there is another survey in 2021, would you be opposed to it
containing optional & general demographics questions?
   It could include age backets, gender, country or language
** Do you have a preferred platform for filling out the survey in the
** General feedback about the survey process?

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