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Re: Question collaborative editing - Wikipedia reference

From: Yuan Fu
Subject: Re: Question collaborative editing - Wikipedia reference
Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2020 22:42:42 -0400

> On Oct 8, 2020, at 10:12 PM, Qiantan Hong <qhong@mit.edu> wrote:
>> Another question: According to the algorithm, what happens when both cursor 
>> are at the same place and one inserts text? Is the other cursor pushed 
>> forward or not?
> Currently the other cursor will not be pushed forward. Any suggestion for 
> “better” behavior?
> Also note that the cursor-treating part of version on this mailing list is 
> not very polished.
> I’ve made some fixes and improvements on my local version, will post shortly.
> The new version will also contain Unicode support and active user list.

Pushing forward is more intuitive IMO. I asked because I see some small 
problems with the cursor overlay but I’m sure you’ve fixed them now.

>> Very cool! If I try to run crdt-test-client when already connected, Emacs 
>> creates a new buffer and compains "Error in post-command-hook 
>> (crdt--post-command): (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)”. Any idea why?
> Thanks for the report! I haven’t consider this case. What do you think is a 
> reasonable
> behavior? Should it make a new connection?

It probably doesn’t make much sense to have multiple connections on a single 
Emacs instance to the same document. I’d just stop and complain to the user.


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