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Re: What is the most useful potential feature which Emacs lacks?

From: Michael Albinus
Subject: Re: What is the most useful potential feature which Emacs lacks?
Date: Thu, 14 May 2020 12:34:24 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Richard Stallman <address@hidden> writes:

Hi Richard,

>   > So yes, data are encrypted when Tramp accesses a nextcloud server.
> SSL encrypts the data for transport between Tramp and the nextcloud
> server.  Whan I am talking about is to store the data in encrypted
> form _in_ the nextcloud server, and not decrypt them until you fetch
> them back again.

Tramp cannot run processes on a remote nextcloud server. Fortunately,
this isn't needed.

When you visit an encrypted file from the nextcloud server, let's call
it foo.gpg, Tramp creates a local copy of that file with the same
extension, like tmp.gpg. That file is visited then in the buffer, and
Emacs' mechanisms recognize it as encrypted, and ask you for the
passphrase to decrypt.

The reverse scenario works similar: If you want to save a buffer bound
to a file on the remote nextcloud server, let's call it foo.gpg again,
Tramp saves the buffer into a local tempoprary file with the same
extension, like tmp.gpg. This triggers encryption of the local
file. Afterwards, Tramp moves the local file to the nextcloud server
with the proper name.

For you (the user) everything looks like handling a local file.

Best regards, Michael.

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