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Re: What is the most useful potential feature which Emacs lacks?

From: ndame
Subject: Re: What is the most useful potential feature which Emacs lacks?
Date: Tue, 12 May 2020 13:07:36 +0000

> If we asked our users, I think we would find that many people would be
> willing to contribute financially.

People are more likely to contribute if they get something sooner than 

So the questions is: is there someone who would'd love to work on his pet emacs 
feature full time instead of in his free time? Because if so and it's a popular 
feature (e.g. graphics canvas for emacs, vscode-like instant support for 
languages which sets up the lsp server, lsp client and completion 
automatically, etc.) then it's very likely the community would support that 
developer via crowdfunding for several months of full time emacs work in return 
of getting those features quickly in a few months.

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