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Re: delete-file to trash

From: Andreas Schwab
Subject: Re: delete-file to trash
Date: Sat, 22 May 2010 01:14:19 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.2 (gnu/linux)

Lennart Borgman <address@hidden> writes:

> On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 11:58 PM, Tassilo Horn <address@hidden> wrote:
>> What GUI applications deal with files in a user-visible way?
> Any app that opens or saves a file. On w32 such apps can delete files.

It's a property of the file chooser, which is a separate entity.

>> I know
>> only file managers (or specialized file managers like photo managers or
>> music managers),
> Isn't Emacs such a program? ;-)

dired is, not Emacs.


Andreas Schwab, address@hidden
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