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Re: [Duplicity-talk] command differences between duplicity and rsync !?

From: SYNass IT Ubuntu / Linux
Subject: Re: [Duplicity-talk] command differences between duplicity and rsync !?
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 10:39:39 +0800

On Wed, 2008-06-18 at 09:28 +0200, Olivier Croquette wrote:
> Ian Barton wrote, On 18/06/08 9:02:
> > The whole point of Duplicity is encryption, so if you *don't* want
> > encryption rsync is what you need.
> No, other big differences are incremental backups and compression !

Hi Ian & Oliver
Thanks for your efforts and feedbacks !

@ Ian:
- not only encryption isn't sought !

- compression isn't wanted too !!

Important, confirmed by Olivier, is the difference in incrementals !!!

Well, I am not having that much data ...
... but our external HDD's aren't on always and within a certain time 
there will be still quite some data to be Duplicity'ied ;-)
To shorten this incremental adjusting is appreciated and sought. ;-D

One more question:
How exactly does the Duplicity command differ from the rsync one ?

rsync -av --delete --progress /source /target

I appreciate your advice to optimize my efforts very much: TIA !!!

Cheers, svobi

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