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Re: [avrdude-dev] avrdude on FreeBSD/sparc64

From: Joerg Wunsch
Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] avrdude on FreeBSD/sparc64
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 18:16:52 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

As E. Weddington wrote:

> Question: When you say entire toolchain, do you mean binutils, gcc,
> avr-libc only? Or did you also try any of: gdb, simulavr, avarice,
> uisp?

FreeBSD's avarice port is IMHO quite out of date due to the still not
yet finally decided libbfd issue, so I didn't try that.  (Brian, any
chance to look at the libbfd port skeleton I've once sent to you?)

I don't know about the state of FreeBSD's uisp port (it's about the
only of the AVR toolchain ports that is not maintained by either
myself or Brian Dean), so I didn't give it a try so far.

Hmm, I see UISP is pretty out of data, and apparently unmaintained:

PORTNAME=       uisp
PORTVERSION=    20020626
CATEGORIES=     devel

MAINTAINER=     address@hidden
COMMENT=        A versatile programmer for atmel AVR microcontrollers

DEPRECATED=     "distfile unfetchable\; superceded by devel/avrdude"
EXPIRATION_DATE=        "April 17, 2004"

Oh, it has even expired.

Is there anything that UISP can handle which avrdude cannot?  Would it
be worth the while reactivating that port?

I have only limited abilities to test UISP myself, probably the only
device supported by it I've currently got access to is the STK500 (but
I don't own that STK myself, it's only borrowed).

I tested binutils/gcc/avr-libc/simulavr/avr-gdb so far.  When testing
a simple application in simulavr, I've been surprised it actually
triggered a timer overflow int :) (I haven't been using it for a while
now), but for whatever reason it caused the application to reset, even
though I believe the ISR is correctly in place (since it does work on
a real device :).
J"org Wunsch                                           Unix support engineer
address@hidden        http://www.interface-systems.de/~j/

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