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[Tlf-devel] WAEDC SSB support

From: Ervin Hegedüs
Subject: [Tlf-devel] WAEDC SSB support
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 23:23:57 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

Hello Guys,

sorry for the late post again - I'm very-very busy...

I've pushed up some modifications for Tlf, which could be help at
next weekend, the WAEDC SSB mode contest. There are two new
- voice messages
- qtc recording

The voice messages could be familiar, Tlf supports them for long
time ago. Now the QTC window keys also can play these messages.

You only need to put the script to PWD, or the PATH,
and made the sound files. As I see, the Linux "play" command from
sox package support ogg and wav format.



The "QR_" prefix means that will be used when user RECEIVES the
QTC's. I've implemented the QS_VKMx keywords too, but I think
that does not make much sense... See the rule files in source.

The another new feature, which was tested in CW contest in August
by me the record mode: just 2 config directives:

# this one tells to Tlf, you want to record the QTC's

# record command, the $ mark is the placeholder, Tlf will replace
# the record file: yymmddhhmmss.wav
QTCREC_RECORD_COMMAND=rec -r 8000 $ -q

now, if you press the F2 (QRV message), OR you filled out the
callsign, serial and number fields complete, and press ENTER, Tlf
starts the record command - you don't see that, but Tlf will
starts it in background, you will do not notice till that runs.

If you press the F10, or you received the last QTC in the current
block, and pressed ENTER, then Tlf will stops the record. Now you
can see the wav file in the contest directory. I've recorded all
QTC's on the CW contest (except the 1st :), that I missed out to
start, I was very nervous :)).

All of the wav files will have unique names, the format of names
is: yymmddhhmmss.wav, eg: 140911205647.wav (that's GMT, that
aligned to the QSO log time).

So, please if anybody wants to try it, download the source, and
let's go! :)



ps: I'll made some small modifications, so please if anybody
wants to use Tlf, grab it again before the contest - I'll notify
the list.

I � UTF-8

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