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Re: My two cents

From: Patrick Welch
Subject: Re: My two cents
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2009 13:33:27 -0600
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

I don't know if PSPP has participated in google summer of code before, but if not, that may be an interesting way to attract new and eager young developers - who may turn into active long term developers. A secondary option, if Ben and the other developers do not want or need our financial contributions, then perhaps we could pool our financial contributions to hire programmers (or students - ala 'summer of code' style) to work on specific features that are desired. If this is something that the developers would be ok with, and if other users would be interested in donating money, I (a poor grad student :P) would also donate money to some communal 'make PSPP even better' project.

Just some ideas/food for thought,


Galderisi, Peter wrote:
I also would like to have many more 'SPSS' features in PSPP.  But, please 
remember, this is FREE, and the development is all voluntary (I couldn't even 
get Ben to accept a small donation for his years of service to us).

Sure--let's request what we think would be needed, but let's remember that Ben, 
John and the rest are not part of the SPSS or IBM development team.  
Patience--or spend $1500 for an upgradeable package.


Peter F. Galderisi
Visiting Associate
UC San Diego

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