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Re: [Phpgroupware-docteam] Enabling Simplified Chinese [was Translation

From: Guillaume Courtois
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-docteam] Enabling Simplified Chinese [was Translation to Brazilian Portuguese]
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 07:48:25 +0000

>My understanding is that Simplified Chinese (zh), similiar to Portuguese,
>is not enabled by default.


>Perhaps the setting may have already been changed in cvs.  But just to be on
>the safe side, I would like to file a request to change the 'available' field 
>for the case of lang_id='zh' and lang_name='Chinese' in the 'languages' table.
>I am following your advice and send a copy of this email to the 

Ok, did someone change that ?

I'm thinking about something which could be more intelligent at the moment. Why 
activate the languages in the table depending on what languages are installed in
setup (when you add phrases) ? For example, if someone installs translations for
chinese, you activate chinese.

What do you think ? That could be done easily, no ?

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