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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] operation / flashing lisa/m

From: Oswald Berthold
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] operation / flashing lisa/m
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 10:23:37 +0200
User-agent: mu4e; emacs 24.3.1

hi piotr,

thanks, i'll try and check that.

regarding simultaneous connection: maybe it has to do with how the UBEC
itself protects againt reverse current so it might work with some and
not with others (if the UBEC doesn't draw any current, D3 might not
be loaded)?

anyway, i'm glad the board doesn't seem to have taken any serious damage :)

bst, opt

Piotr Esden-Tempski writes:

> Hi Oswald,
> You might have burned/overheated D3 diode. This would cause the diode to let 
> current through in reverse making the MCU think that USB cable is connected. 
> Try to use your multimeter and see if the diode conducts in reverse now.
> I actually wanted to add to my previous email that you might be ok having USB 
> and UBEC connected at the same time. When I did that in the past it was 
> working out fine. But obviously I was very wrong in that assumption.
> I hope this helps.
> Cheers,
> Piotr
> On Jun 10, 2014, at 14:24, Oswald Berthold <address@hidden> wrote:
>> hey felix, thanks for that info, BMP sounds very promising.
>> because, and just anecdotally, when wanting to upload the baro change
>> (from the other thread) a few minutes ago, i promptly forgot to unplug
>> the UBEC resulting in the smell of very warm electronics. now lisa goes
>> into bootloader even when no USB is connected. fixing it with ADC2<->GND
>> now requires me to unplug two cables to be able to flash, yeah. ;)
>> bst, oswald
>> p.s. if anyone could think of what could have been blown by this mishap,
>> i'd be happy to hear that.
>> Felix Ruess writes:
>>> Hi Oswald,
>>> if you want to flash via USB bootloader, there is currently no way around
>>> this that I know of..
>>> But you could instead flash via JTAG or SWD (e.g. using FlossJTAG or
>>> BlackMagicProbe).
>>> I can really recommend the BlackMagicProbe, it's great for development and
>>> debugging.
>>> Cheers, Felix
>>> On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 12:08 PM, Oswald Berthold <
>>> address@hidden> wrote:
>>>> hi all again,
>>>> a few questions regarding flashing of the AP board:
>>>> flashing seems a bit awkward, the way i do it now is
>>>> - unplug UBEC from servo ports
>>>> - plug in micro USB
>>>> - upload firmware
>>>> - unplug USB
>>>> - replug UBEC
>>>> is there a way of connecting both USB and external power supply to lisa?
>>>> i have the POWER_FROM_SERVO jumper closed. is there a way for getting
>>>> the AP into upload mode with a soft command, that is, go from normal
>>>> operation into bootloader mode?
>>>> regards, opt
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