From: | Luis Carlos |
Subject: | Re: [Paparazzi-devel] can't get any response from lisa/m even telemetry |
Date: | Wed, 12 Feb 2014 14:31:20 -0300 |
Ftdi cable translate the serial uart to usb to talk with the pc...you connect tx rx and gnd of your lisa to the ftdi...power the board..set you gcs to usb 57000...and connect, if not work trie to switch tx and rx..or test with serial terminal...you see the data incoming to pc...set the com port to 57000 bauds
Luis Carlos
what is the difference between that and between the usb cable ?should i connect to UART2?after connection what should i do?thanks LUIS very muchOn Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 6:53 PM, Luis Carlos <address@hidden> wrote:connect your lisa board directly to ftdi and your pc..and test your connecttion to the pc...
Luis Carlos
El 12/02/2014 13:47, "evan igor" <address@hidden> escribió:Hi,yes and the 3dr has usb ready connection.On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 6:23 PM, Luis Carlos <address@hidden> wrote:
you have a ftdi cable??
Luis Carlos
El 12/02/2014 12:41, "evan igor" <address@hidden> escribió:i tested the telemetry when connecting power to lisa/m while the 3dr connected and i opened serial port connection xctu and there were adata transferred moreover i tested the 3dr with ardupilot and it was working correctly.so there are a data from paparazzi but it may be no connection between CGS and the modem.how could i check the connection with paparazzi only through the CGS?On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 5:01 PM, Luis Carlos <address@hidden> wrote:you have a solid green led in your's modem? maybe you test the telemetry port directly trought ftdi cable...if you have one ftdi...
RegardsLuis Carlos
El 12/02/2014 11:03, "evan igor" <address@hidden> escribió:i'll do that as soon as i'll back home but what about the telemetry?On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 3:25 PM, Luis Carlos <address@hidden> wrote:
for power the servos trought v in you need to short jp1 pads in the lisa board...please check the wiki instrucctions
Luis Carlos
El 12/02/2014 10:13, "Luis Carlos" <address@hidden> escribió:hi evan...it's possible to you upload a picture of your's connection? You power the servo rail connection?
RegardsLuis Carlos
El 12/02/2014 07:24, "evan igor" <address@hidden> escribió:Hi everyone;i setup ubuntu 12.04 and reupload firmware to the lisa/m .1- now i connect v_in to 5 volt of speed controller and GND to GND of speed controller.2- connect the GPS neo_6m to the UART 3.3- connect spectrum receiver to UART1/5.4 connect 3dr to UART2 after disabling its mavlink mode to raw data.
connect a servo as test to one of the output of liza/m and after making binding while GND the ADC1 in ANALOG1.upload firmware to the liza/m from the CGS for the quadrotor_lisa/m example.then connecting a servo for testing but there is no telemetry , no response for servo.what should i check.
but no response in the servo even any power.thanks and hope for help.
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