i setup ubuntu 12.04 and reupload firmware to the lisa/m .
1- now i connect v_in to 5 volt of speed controller and GND to GND of speed controller.
2- connect the GPS neo_6m to the UART 3.
3- connect spectrum receiver to UART1/5.
4 connect 3dr to UART2 after disabling its mavlink mode to raw data.
connect a servo as test to one of the output of liza/m and after making binding while GND the ADC1 in ANALOG1.
upload firmware to the liza/m from the CGS for the quadrotor_lisa/m example.
then connecting a servo for testing but there is no telemetry , no response for servo.
what should i check.
but no response in the servo even any power.
thanks and hope for help.