Eduardo, I am really interested in your console connection, and how much effort it is to augment data on the card. I looked at EXIF tags for storing data as well, but it has limited support for detailed data that may be useful in post-processing, beyond lat, long and alt. I looked at custom tags, but it seemed to be more effort than it was worth to do it properly at the time... However, your technique of basically using lat long as an identifier for the photo to later match with more detailed prototyping in post processing looks useful.
I don't think I can really help with the script (no time), but I might be able to show you ours as an example.
Another option maybe is to simply write the DC_SHOT index number into one of the exif fields, and just use that to match back agains a shot message (optionally you could use some source of time as well, which might be good). Do you use an onboard logger? Do you plan to trigger the camera from the autopilot or will it be separately automatic?
FYI Photoscan works beautifully in some cases, but we ran into trouble with low altitude images over forest/trees (high parallax) and also with large fields of snow. I think these problems plague all similar software though. I can say it was far easier to use and get good results with than many other far more expensive pieces of software given the quality and type of data we were inputting. Plus, it is crossplatform :)
Gerard, the one thing I really like about the Logomatic is you can load the Paparazzi bootloader on it over serial like you would with any other LPC21xx board, and then you can use the same workflow as for other boards: airframe file, build button, upload over USB. Worked really well for us when we were constantly modifying the firmware for the spectrometer. It is a little bigger and heavier though.
-Stephen Dwyer