A known problem ...
but then still, there might be missing coordinates, and while they have a number so you can identify which are missing it is often still enoying
2: onboard telemetry logging: spy on the telemetry link and dump all to SD-card. Read it as a memory stick after landing. Logging distant DC_SHOT messages is the reason we use this part of paparazzi the most.
On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 12:00 PM, Gerard Toonstra
<address@hidden> wrote:
Hi all,
Some online services for orthomosaic generation expect the latitude, longitude, altitude and attitude when a photo was taken,
the minimum being position.
My camera doesn't have inbuilt GPS (and not sure if I'd want to use that if it did). My GPS antenna is directly above the camera.
My question is how paparazzi supports recording this data such that it can be used together with the upload of the actual photos?
I guess I could rely on the DC_SHOT in the telemetry, but if there's a gap in the reception I may lose a few position updates.
Having said that, I could not discover scripts which pull this from the logs after the flight.
Very interested in learning what others have done in this area.
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