Felix, thanks for your reply!
I figured out the ppm rx issue. It turned out I also had to read the text
"The default pin to capture the PPM sum stream is servo channel 6", (not only look at the pictures ;-)/connect to UART1);
Also the gps issue is solved; had to switch the rx/tx connections to the gps, compared to what is shown in this picture;
With regard to the aspirin version; setting;
<configure name="LISA_M_BARO" value="BARO_MS5611_SPI"/> compiles and works, but altitude is still drifting, however at a slower rate than before. But, I would have expected the rate of change in altitude to have been even slower, if relying more on the "accurate" and less on the "inaccurate" gps. But this this is maybe not the case? Reported altitude is maybe a result of an un-weighted fusion between reports from baro and gps?
Cheeers, Jorn
Hi Jorn,
I am in the process of setting up a new Lisa/M board
with the new Asprin 2.2. I have got the board up an running, connected
wireless by a pair of 3DR 433 modules
http://store.diydrones.com/3DR_RadioTelemetry_Kit_433Mhz_p/kt-telemetry-3dr433.htm but still do have a few issues to work out. Like obtaining a connection to the gps
(which is running and do have a lock - according to the leds) - but not
signing up in the gcs, calibrating the IMU (drifting), getting
connected to the ppm-rx.
When compiling the code, it looks like the Aspirin 2.2 is currently
not supported in the master branch, so I changed to Aspirin 2.1, which
compiles without errors, but which probably does not support the new
"The drivers for the MS5611-01BA03 are work in progress and will be
available in the master branch of the Paparazzi codebase soon. All help
with testing and improving the driver are very welcome!"
It is supported in
latest master, just choose "aspirin_v2.2" as imu type. *should* (tm)
work fine, but I don't have a aspirin_v2.2. to test...
In this context, I wonder what is the current status of the master branch with regard to support for the Lisa/M?
Lisa/M hasn't changed, so this is fine...
The only thing that you might have to choose is which baro you want to use with Lisa/M 2 and aspirin_v2.2:
There are three baro drivers to choose:
- BARO_BOARD_BMP085 (default)
- BARO_MS5611_I2C
To use the MS5611 connected via SPI on the Aspirin IMU, configure it in your firmware section, e.g.:
<configure name="LISA_M_BARO" value="BARO_MS5611_SPI"/>
E.g. would it be best to let it rest for a while, until more issues are worked out?
Could you be a bit more specific? Which issues are you having and which paparazzi_version are you running?
Please update to the latest master first if you have problems...
For the most part, probably yes... if you find anything that is not, feel free to report/update it.
But note that there is currently no usb tunnel available for the stm32 autopilots (e.g. Lisa), only the uart tunnels..
Cheers, Felix