Hi Eric,
it sounds like your waypoints are specified with an altitude lower
than your (actual) ground altitude.
E.g. if in your flight plan you have alt="50" ground_alt="0", your
default waypoint altitude (above mean sea level, not above ground) is
set to 50m and your ground altitude to 0m.
Now, if your ground altitude is actually 65m above sea level, the
geo_init will set this. But your waypoints are still set to the 50m
above sea level, so they will be -15m from your current altitude...
So you should set alt to a value high enough so your waypoints will
actually be over ground ;-)
You can also use the height attribute of the waypoints, e.g.<waypoint
name="4" x="-30.0" y="60" height="50."/>, which will place your
waypoint 50m above ground.
See also http://paparazzi.enac.fr/wiki/Flight_Plans
Cheers, Felix
On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 11:36 AM, Eric BAHIER<address@hidden> wrote:
On a wings model, with a TINY board,
NO problème in sim/simulation,
problème only on ap/target....
in the flight plan I have the classic "
<block name="Geo init">
<while cond="LessThan(NavBlockTime(), 20)"/>
<call fun="NavSetGroundReferenceHere()"/>
But after this "block" the altitude is set to the reel altidue (65m), the
target to 50m... and the objectif to -15m.....in simulation I have a
standard 50m and 0/50m
In the past it was OK, I have test with the basic flight plan "basic.xml"
from muret....the same mistake...My flight plan is now only few line....only
with stanby....to try to minimize a stupide mistake.....
I have try to use<call fun="NavSetAltitudeReferenceHere()"/> , it can
not compile.....
Any one have an idea?
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