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Re: [Openexr-devel] OpenEXR 2.0 MSVC2012 build

From: Thorsten Kaufmann
Subject: Re: [Openexr-devel] OpenEXR 2.0 MSVC2012 build
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 22:05:49 +0000

​I still owe the List a full description of building 2.x. I am currently doing a bit of buildwork for 2.2 on windows and shall write up on that.

One thing that is still an issue with the cmake build for me is that the dwa / b44 lookup generators pull the wrong .dlls (probably a fubared PATH or alike) and break the build.

Also in 2.2 it seems  that there is a bit of an inconsistency with using iex.lib vs. iex-2_2.lib. For the latter one i have no idea what to do about that due to my lack of CMAKE knowledge.



Thorsten Kaufmann
Production Pipeline Architect

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Von: openexr-devel-bounces+address@hidden <openexr-devel-bounces+address@hidden> im Auftrag von Tom Svilans <address@hidden>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 14. Oktober 2014 16:31
An: address@hidden
Betreff: [Openexr-devel] OpenEXR 2.0 MSVC2012 build
Hi there,

Searched all over but couldn't find an answer. I'd like to build OpenEXR and IlmBase for 64-bit Windows. In the README file, it says to look at README.win32 for instructions for building on Windows, however the package does not include README.win32...

Are there pre-built libraries available already that I could use? If not, how could I go about building them?

Any help much appreciated!


Tom Svilans, M. Arch.

m: +44 (0)75 1926 0882

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