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Re: [Openexr-devel] looking for a working 2.0.1 Windows build

From: Halfdan Ingvarsson
Subject: Re: [Openexr-devel] looking for a working 2.0.1 Windows build
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 19:29:37 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.5.0

They should; unless I forgot to commit something to the github repo (I deliberately left out some highly build-specific bits that make the output conform to our tools library). Also, only cmake builds are supported.

The branch deviates from the master branch in the two important respects:
1) Iex::BaseExc does *not* derive from std::string (this was preventing successful MSVC2012 builds). 2) There's no CreateDLL (sp?) step required. All exports of public symbols are properly and consistently accounted for. This work also adds support for OSX/Linux DSO symbol visibility.

 - ½

On 14-06-13 06:48 PM, Nick wrote:
In a similar vein (apologies if the same one?) -  if one does a clean pull of 
the sidefx fork, does it compile and build and pass unit tests out of the box?

Sent from my iPhone

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