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Re: [Openexr-devel] looking for a working 2.0.1 Windows build

From: Paul Miller
Subject: Re: [Openexr-devel] looking for a working 2.0.1 Windows build
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 17:36:05 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.6.0

On 6/13/2014 5:22 PM, Piotr Stanczyk wrote:
Do the IlmBase tests pass?

No. All the tests fail with "***Exception: Other".
Package is failing too - no "nsis" compiler whatever that is.

I had to run the compiler as Admin to get the "install" stage to work.

On 13 June 2014 15:12, Paul Miller <address@hidden
<mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:

    On 6/13/2014 4:43 PM, Nick wrote:

        I guess I should ask the obvious question, is Iex.lib itself on
        the link line? If yes, the next thing I would check is if a
        dumpbin -exports actually lists the symbols the linker complains
        as missing. If yes, I would look for a zombie copy of the link
        lib somehow polluting your environment. For example, is an old
        copy around as part of someone else's sdk? Much as the cuda sdk
        used to drag around an antique copy of glew, causing endless
        late night fun until we found the errant libs and got out the

    This is weird - dumpbin Iex-2_1.lib doesn't list any symbols at all:

    Dump of file Iex-2_1.lib

    File Type: LIBRARY


               C3 .debug$S
               14 .idata$2
               14 .idata$3
                8 .idata$4
                8 .idata$5
                C .idata$6

    The projects for IlmBase were generated by cmake-gui, and everything
    looks ok there. I didn't see any options for controlling namespaces
    or anything.

    Other than telling cmake where zlib was, everything seemed to build

        Sent from my iPhone

            On Jun 13, 2014, at 14:12, "Paul Miller" <address@hidden
            <mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:

                On 6/13/2014 2:50 PM, Nick wrote:
                That happens when you build without the DLL macros set
                up for export. Have a look at IexExport.h and you can
                follow the breadcrumbs backwards from there. I'm not
                currently set up for windows dev so I can't help much
                beyond that at the moment.

            That's the confusing thing - everything looks right with the
            DLL macros.

            The IlmBase libraries all have OPENEXR_DLL set, and the
            appropriate XXX_EXPORTS set. The relevant XXXExport.h
            headers all show XXX_EXPORT_DEFINITION ending up as
            __declspec(dllexport) where appropriate, and
            __declspec(dllimport) when included in IlmImf.

            Anything else worth checking?

                Sent from my iPhone

                        On Jun 13, 2014, at 12:34, "Paul Miller"
                        <address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:

                            On 6/10/2014 7:45 AM, Paul Miller wrote:
                            On 5/30/2014 10:51 AM, Piotr Stanczyk wrote:
                            As you can tell the windows platform does
                            not receive a large amount of
                            time. I would urge you to go with 2.1.0 and
                            use the cmake scripts rather
                            than the solution files.  I believe you can
                            generate the son files from
                            there should you need to, but they should
                            give you a build for the most

                            Indeed, I would be happy to see the baked
                            sln stuff go away in the

                        Thanks to all who responded. I didn't know there
                        was a cmake-based 2.1 -
                        that should make things easier.

                    So I've gotten pretty far with the latest 2.1 branch
                    - IlmBase is building with no problems that I can see.

                    But when I'm linking IlmImf, I'm getting hundreds of
                    "unresolved external symbol" errors, such as:

                    2>ImfTiledMisc.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved
                    external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public:
                    __cdecl Iex::ArgExc::ArgExc(char const *)"
                    2>ImfTiledOutputFile.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved
                    external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public:
                    __cdecl Iex::ArgExc::ArgExc(char const *)"
                    2>ImfTileOffsets.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved
                    external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public:
                    __cdecl Iex::ArgExc::ArgExc(char const *)"
                    2>ImfTimeCode.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved
                    external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public:
                    __cdecl Iex::ArgExc::ArgExc(char const *)"
                    2>ImfInputFile.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved
                    external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public:
                    __cdecl IlmThread::Mutex::Mutex(void)"
                    2>ImfMultiPartInputFile.obj : error LNK2001:
                    unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport)
                    public: __cdecl IlmThread::Mutex::Mutex(void)"
                    2>ImfAttribute.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved
                    external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public:
                    __cdecl IlmThread::Mutex::Mutex(void)"
                    2>ImfDeepScanLineInputFile.obj : error LNK2001:
                    unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport)
                    public: __cdecl IlmThread::Mutex::Mutex(void)"
                    2>ImfDeepScanLineOutputFile.__obj : error LNK2001:
                    unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport)
                    public: __cdecl IlmThread::Mutex::Mutex(void)"

                    I pointed the IlmImf linker to the built *.libs from
                    IlmBase, so I don't know what is causing this.

                    I've gotten some build tips from Sebastian but I'm
                    using VS2008 here and he's using 2010, and doesn't
                    seem to be getting these errors.

                    Anyone know what is going on?

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