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Re: waitbar function

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: Re: waitbar function
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2011 13:01:12 -0400

On  3-Nov-2011, Michael Goffioul wrote:

| On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 3:57 PM, John W. Eaton <address@hidden> wrote:
| > Also, when I try the following, the patch color disappears after the
| > xdata property is updated.  Is there something else I have to do other
| > than setting the xdata property?
| I think it might be due to incomplete implementation of patch
| properties relationship. Normally, property relationships are
| implemented in subfunctions in __patch__.m. I guess the best is to
| compare properties before and after changing xdata to detect any
| anomaly. The patch rendering in OpenGL ias based on the face/vertex
| properties, not the [x|y|z]data properties.

OK, I compared and the difference appears to be caused by the
orientation of the xdata property.  So doing

  set (p, "xdata", [0, frac, frac, 0])

fails, but

  set (p, "xdata", [0; frac; frac; 0])


What is the right way to force the orientation of xdata?  It appears
that Matlab only reshapes vector arguments, but if the new value is a
matrix, the shape is left alone, but then the ydata property is also
reshaped to match the size of xdata.  It appears that cdata is also
always stored as a column vector regardless of the shape of the matrix
used to set the property.



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