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[Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #59968] ld: symbol(s) not found for architectu

From: Markus Mützel
Subject: [Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #59968] ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2021 07:16:35 -0500 (EST)
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.182 Safari/537.36 Edg/88.0.705.81

Follow-up Comment #23, bug #59968 (project octave):

I have no idea which revision "c9X6D%9Y1*@1" could relate to. That string
looks like complete gibberish to me.
Which github repository did you clone?

I don't think the output of `make distclean` is of any relevance.

You are overriding `CXXFLAGS` and `CPPFLAGS` in the configure command. So why
do you need to export these variables before that command?

Just to make sure: You are able to compile from a clean checkout of the
default(!) branch with the following commands? (No special environment
variables set.)

mkdir .build
cd .build
../configure \
  CC=/usr/bin/clang \
  CXX=/usr/bin/clang++ \
  CCLD=/usr/bin/clang \
  CXXLD=/usr/bin/clang++ \
  CCFLAGS="-isysroot /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX10.15.sdk"
  CXXFLAGS="-std=c++17 -stdlib=libc++ -arch x86_64 -isysroot
-I/Users/davidlaxer/SuiteSparse/include -I/opt/local/libexec/qt5/include
-I/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-13.0.2.jdk/Contents/Home/include" \
-I/Users/davidlaxer/SuiteSparse/include -I/opt/local/include
-L/Users/davidlaxer/SuiteSparse/lib/ -L/opt/local/libexec/qt5/lib
-L/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-13.0.2.jdk/Contents/Home/lib" \
  DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="-L/opt/local/lib -L/opt/local/libexec/qt5/lib
-L/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-13.0.2.jdk/Contents/Home/lib" \
-L/Users/davidlaxer/SuiteSparse/lib/ -L/opt/local/lib
-L/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-13.0.2.jdk/Contents/Home/lib" \
--disable-readline  --with-sundials_ida-includedir=/opt/local/include/sundials
--with-sundials_ida-libdir=/opt/local/lib/ --with-qt=5
make all -j3

No additional changes (patches or anything) necessary?
You do not need to configure with `--disable-lib-visibility-flags`?


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