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[Monotone-debian] The everlasting release

From: Thomas Keller
Subject: [Monotone-debian] The everlasting release
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2010 01:59:43 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; de; rv: Gecko/20101129 Lightning/1.0b3pre Thunderbird/3.1.7


As you might have noticed the immediate release of 1.0 this year becomes
somewhat unrealistic when you look at the amount of work we still like
to get done before we all have this warm and fuzzy feeling to have
something "sound" overall. As a consequence I retargeted 1.0 for "early
2011" now and I hope we can meet this better.

Right now the bug tracker is filling with some minor and some not so
minor nuisances of 0.99.1 and earlier. I added a new Milestone:1.0 tag
to some of them [0] to gather a quick overview. Feel free to tag more
(reproducable) issues with this label which you want to see fixed before
1.0 is finally ready.

A bit more than a week ago we held off our small docathon, thanks again
to Richard who did the management for me. Most of the work went into the
wiki, especially nice here is the wiser use of tags and the new
role-specific index pages. Not everything is ready there though, so lets
concentrate on the most important / most viewed pages here [1] next and
leave the rest as a later excercise.
The README and manual cleanup have been two other topics for the
docathon. Stephe worked on the readme files, but I am currently not
quite sure what his status is here. Tim also committed some updates for
the mingw32 installation instructions in a separate branch
(nvm.mingw-instructions), again, I'm not sure what the status is here.
The mark-merge discussion from the manual was moved to the wiki by
Richard, but there is more than that still on the todo. (Review the
complete chapter 5 and 7 for example, the things about our "apparent"
IDNA support read dubious, there is a hook mentioned
"display_decoded_idna" which is nowhere else referenced any longer, the
hash integrity discussion might need an update to accompany more recent
development, move the cvs phrasebook stuff into the wiki and add
accompanying sections for svn, git, hg...,  and finally I still think
the huge pcre pattern documentation is a bit overwhelming for the little
usage of patterns we have for the user actually.)

As a fall-out of the aforementioned docathon I started to clean up our
source tree a little and moved stuff around (work is kept in
nvm.source-tree-cleanup). Thanks again to Richard which helped me with
some automake issues here and there this slowly gets in a usable shape.
Whats missing is the documentation and more testing on other platforms
(Win32 most noticably) before this hits the trunk. In the meantime Tim
also worked quite hard on nvm.visualc, which we might also want to get a
little earlier into trunk for better testing. (Please see Tim's earlier
mail about details here.)

The RoadMap [2] contains two more entries which target the UI strings
and translations. No work was done in this area so far, and I have to
admit that I did nothing myself since the original "team-up" proposal
with the git / hg guys to streamline the German translations of all
three VCSes. Lets eat humble pie here and concentrate on sanitizing our
strings in the source at first and complete the existing translations
ourselves as far as we get. Everything else depends on external
resources which are rather unplannable and maybe even unavailable.

I'm a bit sick at the moment and try to motivate myself to continue my
work on guitone's libgraphviz implementation, which is another personal
matter. So don't wait for me to get started on something, just start.
I'll review whatever you do and provide responses to any upcoming questions.

Thanks for reading so far,


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