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Re: monit unresponsive to status requests?

From: Jan-Henrik Haukeland
Subject: Re: monit unresponsive to status requests?
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2005 16:44:32 +0200

On 18. jul. 2005, at 11.26, Marco Ermini wrote:

On 7/16/05, Jan-Henrik Haukeland <address@hidden> wrote:

About it, I could just tell you what, usually, OpenView sysadmin

Thanks for interesting information.

Monit already has a feature for monitoring the number of child
processes. I think it should be enough to say something like this:

  check process foo
     with pidfile "/var/run/"
     start program = "/etc/init.d/foo start"
     stop program = "/etc/init.d/foo stop"
     if children < 8 then alert # or restart

Sure, this would be really useful, and it would be a much more
effective check that the OpenView one.

Well it's in monit right now. Check out monit/doc/manual.php#resource_testing Note, that monit looks at the process in the pid file and only checks the children of this process.

If the script, "/etc/init.d/foo start", fires of several independent processes, where only one is mentioned in the "/var/run/" pidfile it is a problem. In that case I think I would rewrite the "/ etc/init.d/foo" script (if possible) and split it up into several standalone scripts, each with it's own pid file.

In the case of nfsd, how about monitoring the main nfsd daemon and the others using port testing? Wouldn't that work?

So we would only miss few option... executing an external script,

Not sure what you have in mind here?

checking (grep for strings/patterns/regex) a log file...

It's coming, see

and NOT BECOMING UNRESPONSIVE to queries when it is starting/stopping
processes :-)

As I said that is on the list and will be fixed.

Jan-Henrik Haukeland
Mobil +47 97141255

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