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Restarting Resin freezes monit

From: Oliver . Walter
Subject: Restarting Resin freezes monit
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 10:26:54 +0200

Hallo list,

i got a problem with restarting Resin (Application Server) with 

        monit version 4.2.1.

in my .monitrc i configured follwing:

check media with pidfile /opt/resin/
        start program = "/usr/bin/su - gauss -c '/opt/resin/bin/
        stop program =  "/usr/bin/su - gauss -c '/opt/resin/bin/
        if failed host localhost
               port 80 protocol http
               and request "/media/monit.jsp"
               with checksum <xxx>
               with timeout 30 seconds
        then restart
        alert address@hidden

This runs fine, as long as the checksum succeeds, but if it fails monit

Im my monit.log i get this output:

'media' is running with pid 2324
'media' zombie check passed [status_flag=0000]
'media' check_process_state() passed.
'media' succeeded connecting to INET[localhost:80]
HTTP error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Event: 'media' failed protocol test [HTTP] at INET[localhost:80].
Trying to restart 'media'
Monitoring disabled -- service media
stop: (media) /usr/bin/su

After this monit doesnt log anymore, but the service is running.
If i try to enable media monitoring, the command succeeds but the
status tells me:

monit: cannot read status from the monit daemon

now i have to kill the monit process with -9.

Any ideas?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

Oliver Walter

Zentrale Informationsverarbeitung
Bosch Rexroth AG
The Drive & Control Company
Sandweg 45
D-97737 Gemünden-Langenprozelten
telefone: +49(0)9352-18-1862

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