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Re: mysql connection errors bug?

From: Andreas Rust
Subject: Re: mysql connection errors bug?
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 2004 17:44:56 +0200

The problem with this configuration is that when monit checks the
connection I guess it doesn't do it properly and mysql raises a connection
error. When the max_connect_errors (the default is 10) is reached, mysql
refuses further connections from the host. I've commented out the line "if
failed port 3306 then restart" to prevent mysql from rejecting connections
and it now works as expected.


I am using this config for checking mysql:

check process mysql with pidfile /var/lib/mysql/
    start program = "/etc/init.d/mysql start"
    stop program = "/etc/init.d/mysql stop"
    group server
    if failed host port 3306 then restart
    if 3 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout

and never had any problems with it. I wonder if it actually would make a difference if you add the
"host" (or other IP) option ...

This part of the config was taken from that monitrc.d config with included configs of which I can only read back "homyakov" on top of the included files. Don't know who supplied this, but it was mentioned on the list here.

This, however, works on mysql 3.x and 4.x for me so far.


    Andreas Rust     -   webnova GmbH
    address@hidden  -
    Tel:  +49 (0)700 - 20 30 7000
    Fax:  +49 (0)700 - 20 30 8000
         Gemeinsam sind wir stark...

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