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Re: monit's permission checks...

From: Andreas Rust
Subject: Re: monit's permission checks...
Date: Fri, 02 Jul 2004 11:53:09 +0200

At 00:50 02.07.2004, you wrote:

On Jun 30, 2004, at 6:52 PM, Andreas Rust wrote:

... for some reason I didn't find out yet, the permission for that file is sometimes changing to 640 instead of 600. Monit nicely warns me and I reset it to 600. However, it appears to me that using either "monit reload" or the web-interface button "enable monitoring" does not work out here correctly.

It has shown me several times an output stating "Permission
{red}600{/red}" and didn't seem
to understand that 600 is just fine.

Hmm, it will take one poll-cycle before the HTTP interface is update. If it's still <font color=red> after one poll cycle, it's a bug. Can you verify this?

Well, it sending me an email saying something like: permission check failed - current permission 600 ...

... which, as said is just perfectly fine ...

Will try the 4.3.1 soon next week and do some permission testing then ...


    Andreas Rust     -   webnova GmbH
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