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[Mldonkey-users] overnet with portforwarding/dnat

From: Marc Thoben
Subject: [Mldonkey-users] overnet with portforwarding/dnat
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 16:05:48 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

Hi there !

Three friends and me have upgraded to -16.

Two of them have a "direct" link to the internet. Both have a good
overnet performance, uploading and downloading successfully.

One has a fli4l server and is forwarding udp/tcp ports with
ipmasqadm portfw, obviously a 2.2 Kernel. When he started the new
mldonkey, he found about 3000 peers, got search results (ovstats)
and had up-/download to/from overnet. About 5-6 hours later, he has
only 512 peers left, no search results and no more up-/download
to-/from overnet.

I use a masquerading server with 2.4 kernel and forward the required
ports using iptables with target DNAT. I get the same results, as my
friend above. After 5-6 hours no more overnet.

We checked and compared our firewalls; rechecked, that all the
neccessary ports are forwarded; only enable_donkey and
enable_overnet is true; nothing is changed in the default
downloads_ini except the ports used and the bandwidth settings;
donkey works as it should, "id" shows, that we are all

Anything we could do to help ? tcpdump ? anything ?

Btw, thanks for this great development version of mldonkey !
Especially going with the new defaults for max_opened_connections
and max_sources_per_file, haven't seen that much downstream since
quite a while :)


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