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Re: Source code for "reply via email" on

From: Ian Kelling
Subject: Re: Source code for "reply via email" on
Date: Wed, 13 May 2020 10:52:41 -0400
User-agent: mu4e 1.3.6; emacs 28.0.50

Florian Bruhin <address@hidden> writes:

> (The reason I'm asking is because I believe there is a bug in the script: It
> does not surround the mail in the In-Reply-To header with <...>, causing e.g.
> NeoMutt to ignore the invalid mail address in the header)
> Florian

I dropped webmasters.

The script was written in 2002 and has't been touched. Generally its an
oversight that it hasn't been published. Ill make a repo for it when the
FSF opens its upcoming forge. Patches welcome

from mod_python import apache, util
from urllib import quote

def handler (req):
    if req.method != 'POST' or \
           not req.headers_in.has_key ('content-type') or \
           req.headers_in['content-type'][:10] != 'multipart/':
        return apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND

    form = util.FieldStorage (req)
    if form.has_key ('a') and form.has_key ('b') and \
       form.has_key ('c') and form.has_key ('d'):
        req.headers_out.add ('Location',
                             'mailto:%s@%s?In-Reply-To=%s&Subject=%s' \
                             % (quote(form['a']), quote(form['c']),
                                quote(form['d']), quote(form['b'])))

        return apache.HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY

    return apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND

Ian Kelling | Senior Systems Administrator, Free Software Foundation
GPG Key: B125 F60B 7B28 7FF6 A2B7  DF8F 170A F0E2 9542 95DF |

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