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Re: [lwip-users] Bug on lwIP TCP section (or HTTP client from contrib)?

From: Enrico Murador - Research & Development - CET
Subject: Re: [lwip-users] Bug on lwIP TCP section (or HTTP client from contrib)?
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 2015 15:08:42 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/38.3.0

Update: now I've found why Chrome sends the FIN+ACK after the header (also after I added the Content-Length field to that header). Server was telling the client that reply was in HTTP 1.0, and Chrome doesn't take care of the Content-Length field unless reply is in HTTP 1.1 (and maybe this is correct behavior).

To avoid this kind of issues, I think the lwIP HTTP server should automatically add the Content-Length field for, at least, all HTTP 1.1 non-SSI packets. Maybe I'll post a "feature request" for this.

Anyway, the TCP "off-by one window" issue still remains, although maybe it is not of severe importance. And to reproduce the issue, apart from sending a 401 reply in two chunks, the header must indicate "HTTP 1.0".

My replies to your questions follows:

On 11/11/2015 13:48, Sergio R. Caprile wrote:
As a matter of fact, if I'm not wrong, it is the server who must close
the connection and not the client, so this is Chrome's bug.
I don't know. But I've not yet seen a FIN sent from my server, at least on GET requests. It is always the client (tried with Chrome and Firefox) that ACKs the last packet and then sends FIN.
However, you mentioned a "off by 1" in the window so I'll try to see
that and what the culprit.

I've attached my actual lwipopts file. Anyway, I think the fastest way to reproduce the issue is to use a stock lwIP web server and modify the standard reply header, adding the "401 Unauthorized" row (with HTTP 1.0 version header, see before).


Attachment: lwipopts.h
Description: Text document

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