On Tue, 2010-03-02 at 16:42 +0700, PHAM ANH THIEN wrote:
> hi Kieran,
> thanks for your fast reply!
> I just read "Prentice Hall - Internetworking with TCP-IP, Volume I -
> Principles, Protocols and Architecture, 4rd Ed [Comer, Scan, OCR] -
> 2000 - (By Laxxuss)" book at item 13.5 "The Idea Behind Sliding
> Windows" they talk about sliding window term, it allows sender send
> more packets before receive ACK, let say we set sliding window with 3
> packets in the window so sender will send 3 packets then receive ACK.
> My question is in lwip stack got any setting like this? I saw TCP_WND,
> default setting is 1500 but when i change it to 4*1500 the result
> still same.
Yes, lwIP uses that algorithm by default.