On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 4:08 AM, Kieran Mansley
<address@hidden> wrote:
On Mon, 2010-02-15 at 15:07 -0500, Yigal Hochberg wrote:
> My suggestion is to separate between a specific SNMP-Agent and the
> access to Ipstack MIB2 information maintained by the lwip Ipstack.
I'm no expert on SNMP, but I don't quite follow what this change is for.
Can you give some justification for it? A more comprehensive patch
would help to illustrate what the LWIP_IPSTACK_MIB2 option would do. In
the patch fragment you included it's just used in the same way and at
the same time as LWIP_SNMP, so seems to add nothing.
Simon is right that the best way to contribute to lwIP is to improve the
open source distribution of it and help everyone benefit. However I
understand that this isn't always possible, and lwIP is deliberately
licensed using a BSD license to allow use in commercial and closed
source products. With that in mind I've got no objection in principal
to a change that makes such integration better and so improves the ways
in which lwIP can be used, but I'd want to understand what was being
proposed before making any such change.
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