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Re: [lwip-users] how to send udp messages circularly ?

From: address@hidden
Subject: Re: [lwip-users] how to send udp messages circularly ?
Date: Fri, 03 Jul 2009 16:41:30 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20090605)

the_gadfly wrote:
int count=0;
void Delay(unsigned long ulVal)
while ( --ulVal != 0 );

Any good compiler will optimize this away to nothing, I guess. If you really want to delay like that, you'd have to use a volatile variable.


From where (which thread, what point, e.g. after stack initialization?) do you call httpd_init()? This whole thing could be a threading problem: a mistake that many lwIP beginners make is to use the raw API from multiple threads - it may only be used from the tcpip_thread and not from interrupt level!

struct udp_pcb *pcb;
struct ip_addr PCipaddr;
struct pbuf *p,*pbuffer;
err_t err;


p = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW,sizeof(Test),PBUF_RAM);
p->payload=(void *)Test;

Like Kieran already indicated: the above 2 lines are totally wrong usage of the pbuf API: - PBUF_RAW means NO additional headers whereas you want to send a UDP packet which means there will have to be UDP, IP and ARP headers added. Use PBUF_TRANSPORT for sending UDP data. - When allocating a PBUF_RAM, you get one continous region of memory: struct pbuf is at the beginning, the data buffer follows. For PBUF_RAM pbufs you *must not* mess with the payload pointer! Instead, copy the data from the original location into the pbuf using memcpy(p->payload, src, len); if you want to do it like you did (p->payload = x), use PBUF_REF instead of PBUF_RAM or lwIP might even corrupt your RAM by writing to places it shouldn't.

pbuffer = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW,sizeof(Test1),PBUF_RAM);
pbuffer->payload=(void *)Test1;

pcb = udp_new();
err=udp_bind(pcb, IP_ADDR_ANY,60000);
{printf("bound ok ! \n");}
{printf("connect ok !\n");}
while( count++ < 20 ) {

{ printf("udp_send OK \n"); }
// Delay(1000000);
// Delay(1000000);
// err=udp_send(pcb,pbuffer);



This may be stupid, but did you check err == ERR_OK in all places, e.g. did you see the printf's? If all this didn't help, it could still be that your MAC or OS port has a bug...


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