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Re: [lmi] [lmi-commits] master 3c3454d6 5/5: Allow GUI test to fail

From: Vadim Zeitlin
Subject: Re: [lmi] [lmi-commits] master 3c3454d6 5/5: Allow GUI test to fail
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2022 20:29:15 +0200

On Sun, 4 Sep 2022 17:07:42 +0000 Greg Chicares <gchicares@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

GC> $ xwd -d :99 -root -silent | convert xwd:- screenshot.png
GC> zsh: command not found: convert

 Sorry, I thought you'd already have it, it's part of ImageMagick which is
a pretty useful [suite of] tool[s] for doing just about anything with the
images from the command line.

GC> Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified
GC> xwd:  unable to open display ':99'
GC> I could install 'convert', but it looks like this command:
GC> $xvfb-run wine64 /opt/lmi/bin/wx_test.exe --ash_nazg 
--data_path=Z:/opt/lmi/data -t validate_output_census
GC> doesn't use ':99'.

 I'm not so sure about this, the "Authorization required" looks like the
real cause of the error. Could you be running these commands from different
chroots/not using the same home directory? If both processes use the same
~/.Xauthority file this shouldn't happen, AFAIK.

GC> I could research this further, but even if I got it working,
GC> it would only let me take another step on an unpleasant path
GC> that I'm really disinclined to tread.

 Yes, again, I understand this. It's just something you might find useful
in an emergency.

GC> >  Sorry again for lack of any real help, I'll keep my DPI setting at 192 
GC> > will try to debug this problem here if I ever run into it.
GC> Just to be sure: I mean that I set wine's DPI, using 'winecfg',
GC> as opposed to xfce's DPI (which is always 192 here).

 Yes, just to confirm, this is what I tested with. I also tested both with
the local X server and a remote one (which I typically use), but the tests
just stubbornly work fine for me no matter what.


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