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Re: [lmi] wx-2.9.5 tab navigation [Was: wx-2.9.5-rc1 regression: propose

From: Vadim Zeitlin
Subject: Re: [lmi] wx-2.9.5 tab navigation [Was: wx-2.9.5-rc1 regression: proposed patch(es)]
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 01:44:40 +0200

On Tue, 23 Jul 2013 20:58:54 +0000 Greg Chicares <address@hidden> wrote:

GC> On 2013-07-23 15:25Z, Vadim Zeitlin wrote:
GC> [...]
GC> > fixed it in http://trac.wxwidgets.org/changeset/74588
GC> Thanks, that works.
GC> Here's a regression that I hadn't noticed before:
GC>   File | New | Illustration
GC>   change to "Solve" notebook page
GC>   in "Solve for" groupbox, select "Specified amount"
GC>   change to "Face" notebook page
GC> The contents of these three textcontrols are highlighted:
GC>   "cap"
GC>   "offset"
GC>   "Specified amount"
GC> By "highlighted", I mean that the textcontrol has its usual color,
GC> but all of the text it contains is in reverse video: here, text is
GC> white foreground with blue background. I would expect highlighting
GC> like this only in an enabled textcontrol that has focus (or for
GC> a substring of text that has been selected in such a control),
GC> but never in a disabled control. Unlike its siblings listed above,
GC> the "Salary multiple" textcontrol has no such highlighting. [I'll
GC> send a screenshot on request if that makes this more comprehensible.]

 No, it is perfectly comprehensible and I see the problem as well.
Unfortunately I don't see the reason for this bug (because it's definitely
a bug, no doubt about it) immediately and I can't debug it any more today
and might not have time to do it tomorrow neither so I'm afraid this could
have to wait until Thursday. But I'll get back to it a.s.a.p.

GC> I think this may be related to another difference that I hadn't
GC> noticed before, which I consider an improvement.
[...handling of tabs in keyboard focus chain...]

 FWIW this was indeed an intentional improvement. The old behaviour was
just wrong while the new one is both right, in the sense that it is the
same as in the native programs, and also much more convenient.

GC> I point this out not merely to thank you for that improvement, but
GC> also to speculate that it may be related to the odd highlighting noted
GC> above--which does not occur if I add a step to the above instructions:
GC>   change to "Solve" notebook page
GC>   in "Solve for" groupbox, select "Specified amount"
GC> + focus the "Solve" tab (e.g., click on it)
GC>   change to "Face" notebook page
GC> If the tab control has focus, so that "Solve" is highlighted, then
GC> changing to the "Face" page causes the "Face" tab to be highlighted;
GC> but then (as expected) none of the textcontrols has any highlighting.

 I don't really see what's going on here, I'll post again as soon as I can
debug it.

GC> BTW, is there an easy way for lmi to prohibit the tab controls from
GC> ever receiving focus, even if the user deliberate Tabs to them or
GC> clicks on them? We always have "OK" and "Cancel" buttons, which can
GC> receive focus if every single control on a notebook page is disabled.

 It might be possible but I don't think it's going to be easy. The only way
I can think about right now is to catch the focus change events and
forcefully get the focus away from the notebook if it ever gets it. But
this is not really easy and could result in some unforeseen problems. And,
of course, it's rather user-unfriendly as it would override even explicit
user choice to focus the control. In short, I don't think this is worth
doing or even trying to do but if you think this is indispensable, I could
look into it in more details.

 Best regards,

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