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Re: adding engravers

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: adding engravers
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2013 15:51:30 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Noeck <address@hidden> writes:

> Sorry David,
> I thought I was clear enough, but obivously not. I didn't want you to
> take that time and write all that. I know what you wrote. I just wanted
> to show, that new and unexperienced users have a different perception of
> "exception". Thank you anyway.
>> Can you give an example?  text} should nowadays never be bad unless we
>> are inside of Scheme.
> I didn't know that. I remembered it from lyrics ending with text}, but
> is indeed not the case any more.

There were several issues related to both markups and lyrics.  Pertinent
last change would seem to be 2.17.4:

commit 38a4081efa4a8ee2f5da780ca0ed2991627afc46
Author: David Kastrup <address@hidden>
Date:   Sun Sep 30 02:21:00 2012 +0200

    Issue 2869: Regularize lyrics lexer mode
    That makes lyrics mode rather similar to markup mode regarding how
    words are formed.  {} are never considered part of words unless
    enclosed in quotes.  Unquoted words do not contain whitespace, braces,
    quotes, backslashes, numbers or Scheme expressions.  In addition, they
    cannot start with * . = and | since that would mess with duration,
    assignment and barcheck syntax.  This removes some remaining
    TeX-oriented cruft in the lexer.  The set of word-non-starters might
    need revisiting, but at least the regtests seem to pass.

Actually, I would have thought to have cleaned that up before 2.16 but
it appears like at least in this respect the years are passing slower
than they feel to me.

> Thanks for your work, that has indeed improved a lot of those small
> issues!

It's probably worth pointing out that the above Issue 2869 was _not_ a
longstanding issue in the tracker.  Its first appearance was immediately
accompanied with a patch.  So why would I have changed matters appearing
to new and inexperienced users' perception as "exception" when my own
perception would be a completely different one?

David Kastrup

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