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Re: Polyphonic rests

From: Valentin Villenave
Subject: Re: Polyphonic rests
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2007 12:44:10 +0200

2007/6/25, Claus Rogge <address@hidden>:

If only I knew if the solution to my problem is so obvious that no one
cares to give me a clue? Otherwise, I´ll go ahead and define the
position of every rest with /rest {c'} or similar ...

You don't have to think that "no one cares" just because you haven't
got any answer for 48 hours...
That said, I tried to find some solution to your problem, and here is
how I would do that (in fact, I wouldnt even use any rest, as the
score makes sense without it; I added them just in a "decorative"
way). The code is a bit messy, and produces many errors, but it does
give you the score you seem to want.

%%%%% LilyPond code %%%%%

\paper{#(set-default-paper-size "a4") top-margin = 0\cm left-margin =
1\cm right-margin = 1.5\cm bottom-margin = 1\cm between-system-space =
\header{title="Sonata op.15" composer="Fernando Sor" opus=""}

one = \relative c' {
    <d g b>4 <d g b>4 <e g cis> <e g cis> <d fis d'> <d fis d'> <d fis d'> r |
   \override Rest #'staff-position = #6
   g r g g }
   t=  {  \override Voice.Stem #'duration-log = #1 }
two= \relative c { d4 d d d d d d r
   \times 2/3 { \t g8  b[  d] } \times 2/3 { \t d, b'[ d]}
   \times 2/3 { \t g, b[ d]} \times 2/3 { \t g, b[ d]} }

three= \relative c, {
   \override Rest #'staff-position = #1
   \override Rest #'font-size = #-2
s1 s | r8 s r s r s r s }

{\clef "G_8" \key c \major
\time 4/4<<



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