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Re: Polyphonic rests

From: Claus Rogge
Subject: Re: Polyphonic rests
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 09:41:51 +0200
User-agent: MacSOUP/D-2.7 (Mac OS X version 10.4.9)

Mats Bengtsson <address@hidden> wrote:

> If you want the two upper voice to have stems up, then
> you could use
> <<{ \A } \\ { \B } \\  \\ { \D } >>

Thank you, also to Zoltan, this helped me understanding that. Depending
on the order of my voice, I have 32 or more "Warning(s): too many
colliding rests" and this is, as I now understand, because a voice (or
do you say "part") is either upper or lower to LP.

So there´s still the problem of the rests that I want to appear in the
middle of the staff, because they are in the middle voice. If it isn´t
possible to do taht any other way, I guess I´ll have to place every
single rest ... this is a bit awkward really.

I won´t bother you with any examples because it´s a five page
arrangement and the file must be enormous.

My new CD "Know Greed":

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