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Re: Polyphonic rests

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: Polyphonic rests
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 22:50:34 +0200
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.0.5)

As I already pointed out, you may be able to get even better help from
the mailing list, if you include some examples of
LilyPond code where you have trouble.

For the voice where you want the rest to stay in the middle of the
stave, you can use
\revert Rest #'direction


Quoting Claus Rogge <address@hidden>:

Mats Bengtsson <address@hidden> wrote:

If you want the two upper voice to have stems up, then
you could use
<<{ \A } \\ { \B } \\  \\ { \D } >>

Thank you, also to Zoltan, this helped me understanding that. Depending
on the order of my voice, I have 32 or more "Warning(s): too many
colliding rests" and this is, as I now understand, because a voice (or
do you say "part") is either upper or lower to LP.

So there´s still the problem of the rests that I want to appear in the
middle of the staff, because they are in the middle voice. If it isn´t
possible to do taht any other way, I guess I´ll have to place every
single rest ... this is a bit awkward really.

I won´t bother you with any examples because it´s a five page
arrangement and the file must be enormous.

My new CD "Know Greed":

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