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Re: Double Staff Tablature - No Stems is the Norm

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: Double Staff Tablature - No Stems is the Norm
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 10:19:48 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070326)

It seems that your settings for some reasons are done in the TabVoice
context, so you explicitly have to say
\override TabStaff.TimeSignature ...

However, I propose to make all these settings in a layout block, so that they
automatically apply to all TAB staff in the .ly file (you may even want to
make the definition in a separate file that you can include in whatever .ly
files you need them).

   \override TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
   \remove Beam_engraver
   \remove Stem_engraver
   \override TupletBracket #'number-visibility = ##f

The reason I set stencil instead of transparent on TimeSignature is that
if you make it transparent, it will still take some place, whereas my
proposed setting removes the signature completely. You won't see any
difference in your particular example, but if you remove the normal Staff
context in your example, you will see what i mean.


Joey Coyle wrote:
Thanks Mats,

I have almost removed everything from the TAB staff to make it look like the professional guitar transcriptions in all my books.

But I can't seem to remove the TimeSignature from the TAB staff... here is what I have. Why is \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t not working.


partition = {
    \key e \major
    e8\5 fis\5 gis\5 a\5 b\5 cis'\5 dis'\5 e'\5
    e8\4 fis\4 gis\4 a\4 b\4 cis'\4 dis'\4 e'\4

\new Staff {
    \clef "G_8"
        \partition }
\new TabStaff {
    \override Stem #'transparent = ##t
    \override Beam #'transparent = ##t
    \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
    \override TupletBracket #'number-visibility = ##f

On Jun 19, 2007, at 3:17 PM, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

Since you probably want to keep the stems in the ordinary
note staff, you could do it in
\context TabStaff
   \override ...

An alternative is to specify that you want this setting in all TabStaff contexts in your .ly file, by inserting
   \override ...
somewhere at the top level of the file.


Quoting Joey Coyle <address@hidden>:

Thanks Mats,

In this example, where would you place the \override Stem #'transparent = ##t, as I can't get it to work. But I can get your example to create a single staff...

partition =  {
  \key e \major
  <e\5 dis'\4>
  <e dis'>
  <<e\5 dis'\4>>
  <e dis'>\5\4

\context StaffGroup <<
  \context Staff <<
    \clef "G_8"
  \context TabStaff


On Jun 19, 2007, at 2:27 PM, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

\new TabStaff {
 \override Stem #'transparent = ##t
      a,4\5 c'\2 a\3 e'\1
      e\4 c'\2 a\3 e'\1

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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
       Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: address@hidden

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