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repository at GitLab

From: Jonas Hahnfeld
Subject: repository at GitLab
Date: Mon, 11 May 2020 09:14:09 +0200
User-agent: Evolution 3.36.2

Everything went pretty much as expected, so here's the repo:

If you already have a local repository cloned from Savannah, execute
 $ git remote set-url origin address@hidden:lilypond/lilypond.git
to switch to GitLab (or edit your .git/config manually if preferred).

I granted everybody access to the group who
sent requests so far. Please make sure that your username is
recognizable to match with something that had access to SourceForge /
Savannah. If in doubt just send me a private email because there's no
possibility to reply to incoming access request from within GitLab.

The general process stays in place, please push to staging instead of
directly to master. Whoever runs patchy, please update the
configuration as described above.
To open a merge request, there are two possibilities: either fork the
project or push a new dev/* branch directly to the repo and follow the
links. The label Patch::new should be added automatically.

If you want to get emails for the project: GitLab has a notification
setting per project (little bell to the right of the project name).
"Watch" will notify you about everything (new issues, merge requests,
comments, ...), otherwise you can tick what you want with "Custom".

So much for now. I expect us to figure things out as we go, and most
probably change some if suitable.


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